Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Team Atlantis Grand Championship II v2 Top Decklists

These are the top decklists for the second TAGC.

1st Place - Hollowblade (Six Samurai)

Monsters (16):

1 Genex Ally Birdman
2 Grandmaster of the Six Samurai
1 Great Shogun Shien
1 Hand of the Six Samurai
3 Kagemusha of the Six Samurai
1 Legendary Six Samurai - Enishi
3 Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
3 Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
1 Morphing Jar

Spells (16):

1 Book of Moon
1 Dark Hole
1 Gateway of the Six
1 Giant Trunade
1 Monster Reborn
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Reinforcement of The Army
3 Shien's Smoke Signal
3 Six Samurai United
2 Upstart Goblin

Traps (8):

2 Double Edged Sword Technique
1 Mirror Force
2 Masakani Magatama
1 Solemn Judgment
2 Solemn Warning

Extra (15):

1 Ally of Justice Catastor
1 Ancient Fairy Dragon
1 Armory Arm
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Colossal Fighter
1 Flamvell Uriquzaius
3 Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
1 Naturia Barkion
1 Scrap Archfiend
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

Side (15):

2 Cyber Dragon
3 Dimensional Fissure
2 Nobleman of Crossout
2 Nobleman of Extermination
2 Compulsionary Evacuation Device
2 Rivalry of Warlords
1 Royal Oppression
1 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

2nd Place - darkestknight13 (Anti-Meta)

Monsters (18):

3 Breaker the Magical Warrior
2 Cyber Dragon
2 D.D. Warrior Lady
3 Doomcaliber Knight
2 Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo
1 Honest
1 Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
1 Spirit Reaper
3 Thunder King Rai-Oh

Spells (11):

1 Book of Moon
1 Dark Hole
1 Giant Trunade
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
3 Pot of Duality
3 Zombie World

Traps (11):

2 Dimensional Prison
3 Macro Cosmos
1 Mirror Force
1 Royal Oppression
1 Solemn Judgment
2 Solemn Warning
1 Torrential Tribute

Side Deck (15):

2 Effect Veiler
2 Electric Virus
1 Kinetic Soldier
2 King Tiger Wanghu
2 Puppet Plant
2 Nobleman of Crossout
2 Nobleman of Extermination
1 Trap Dustshoot
1 Mind Crush

Extra Deck (3):

3 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

3rd Place - drillwarrior (Piper Chaos)

Monsters (24):

1 Treeborn Frog
3 Magical Merchant
3 Chaos Sorcerer
3 Caius the Shadow Monarch
3 Effect Veiler
3 Battle Fader
3 Kinka-Bio
3 Mystic Piper
1 Sangan
1 Glow-Up Bulb

Spells (11):

3 Creature Swap
1 Monster Reborn
1 Dark Hole
1 Mind Control
2 Mystical Soace Typhoon
1 One for One
2 Pot of Avarice

Traps (5):

1 Solemn Judgment
2 Solemn Warning
1 Mirror Force
1 Seven Tools of the Bandit

Extra Deck (15):

1 Ally of Justice Catastor
2 Arcanite Magician
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
3 Formula Synchron
1 Collosal Fighter
2 Stardust Dragon
1 Shooting Star Dragon
1 Gaia Knight, the Force of the Earth
1 Scrap Dragon

Side Deck (15):

2 Cyber Dragon
3 D.D. Crow
2 Doomcaliber Knight
3 Thunder King Rai-Oh
2 Chain Disappearance
2 Dust Tornado
1 Chimertech Fortress Dragon

4th Place - Velius (Karakuri Machina Plant)

Monsters (19):

1 Dandylion
1 Glow-Up Bulb
2 Karakuri Ninja MDL 919 "Kuick"
3 Karakuri Strategist MDL 248 "Nishipachi"
1 Karakuri Watchdog MDL 313 "Saizan"
2 Lonefire Blossom
3 Machina Fortress
3 Machina Gearframe
1 Mind Master
1 Psychic Commander
1 Spore

Spells (14):

1 Dark Hole
1 Emergency Teleport
1 Foolish Burial
1 Giant Trunade
2 Instant Fusion
1 Limiter Removal
1 Mind Control
1 Monster Reborn
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 One for One
2 Pot of Avarice

Traps (7):

1 Call of the Haunted
2 Royal Decree
1 Solemn Judgment
2 Solemn Warning
1 Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck (15):

2 Cyber Saurus
1 Ally of Justice Catastor
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Formula Synchron
2 Karakuri Shogun MDL 00 "Burei"
3 Karakuri Steel Shogun MDL 00X "Bureido"
1 Magical Android
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

Side Deck (15):

2 Cyber Dragon
2 D.D. Crow
2 Kinetic Soldier
2 Thunder King Rai-Oh
2 Nobleman of Crossout
2 Chain Disappearance
2 Dust Tornado
1 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Monday, August 8, 2011

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Top 4 Feature Match: Hollowblade vs. drillwarrior

Hollowblade finished the swiss rounds in the TAGC with an undefeated record with his Six Samurai. Facing off against him is drillwarrior, a member that was placed 2nd in standings after the swiss rounds with his Piper Chaos. It's time to see who advances to the finals to play for the title of Grand Champion!

Hollow started off his turn with setting 2 cards to his spell/trap zone, and then ended.

Drill set a backrow and ended.

Hollow set two face-down spells/traps, and activated Shien's Smoke Signal, searching for Kagemusha of the Six Samurai. He next activated Six Samurai United and summoned Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki, and with its effect Special Summoned Kagemusha. He sent United to the Graveyard to draw 2 cards, and activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy drill's set Seven Tools of the Bandit. He Synchro Summoned with his Kageki and Kagemusha for Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En. Hollow then activated Double-Edged Sword Technique, reviving his Kageki and Kagemusha, and Synchro Summoning another Shi En! He Special Summoned Grandmaster of the Six Samurai and entered his Battle Phase, attacking Drill directly with it! Drill attempted to Special Summon Battle Fader, but Hollow had Solemn, negating the summon of Fader and destroying it! The other 3 monsters attacked Drill directly for the win!

An amazing opening gives Hollowblade an OTK for the win! Drillwarrior will be going first the next round!

Drill started off his turn by summoning Doomcaliber Knight, setting two backrow, and ending.

Hollow set a monster and two backrow.

Drill set another backrow, and attacked with his Doomcaliber Knight into Hollow's face-down Kageki! He then ended.

Hollow flipped his face-down Gateway of the Six and Six Samurai United. He summoned Kagemusha of the Six Samurai, and Drill activated Chain Disappearance, removing Hollow's Kagemusha on the field and the two Kagemusha from his deck! Hollow next Special Summoned Grandmaster of the Six Samurai and sent his United to the Graveyard to draw two cards. He set a backrow and removed four counters from his Gateway to search for Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan. Kizan attacked Doomcaliber Knight, but Drill activated Mirror Force, destroying Kizan and Grandmaster. Hollow then ended.

Drill passed.

Hollow activated Shien's Smoke Signal, searching for Kageki. He then summoned Kageki and activated its effect, but Drill activated Solemn Warning, negating the effect of Kageki and destroying it. Hollow removed four counters from his Gateway to search for Kizan, and activated Reinforcement of the Army to search for his third Kizan. He Special Summoned both Kizans, and removed four counters from his Gateway to search for Grandmaster. He finally Special Summoned his Grandmaster and hit with all his monsters for the game!

Hollowblade is advancing to the final round!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Round 5 Feature Match: orcadb vs. doom56muffin

Round 5 Feature Match: orcadb vs. doom56muffin

Today's feature match is between orcadb's Simorgh Ladies and doom56muffin's Dragunities. Both members really need to go undefeated the remaining rounds in order to have a chance to be in the Top 4. Let's see how this turns out!

Doom started off his turn by setting a backrow and ending.

Orca summoned Fortune Lady Wind, destroying Doom's set Bottomless Trap Hole. He then activated Future Visions, set a backrow, and ended.

On Doom's draw phase, Orca activated Anti-Spell Fragrance. Doom set a monster, set two cards to his spell/trap zone, and ended.

Orca summoned Fortune Lady Light, which got removed by Visions, which activated Light's effect, targeting Fortune Lady Dark. Doom responded with Solemn Warning, negating the summon and destroying it. Orca then attacked with Wind, destroying Doom's face-down Dragunity Phalanx.

Doom set a face-down spell/trap card, and summoned Dragunity Legionnaire, which got banished by Visions.

Orca got back his Fortune Lady Light from his banished zone. He then set a monster, and attacked Doom directly with his Wind and Light.

Doom got back his Legionnaire from his banished zone. He then activated Icarus Attack, tributing his Legionnaire to destroy Orca's Future Visions and Anti-Spell Fragrance. Lastly, Doom activated Future Fusion, sending five dragons from his deck to the graveyard, targeting Five-Headed Dragon. He then ended.

Orca flip summoned his face-down Delta Flyer and used its effect, increasing the level of Fortune Lady Wind by 1. He then summoned another Flyer, and activated its effect increasing Fortune Lady Light's level. He tuned Light to the Flyer to Synchro Summon Arcanite Magician. He then used Arcanite's effect to destroy Doom's Future Fusion and his set Mystical Space Typhoon. Lastly, Orca removed a Wind and a Dark monster to summon Dark Simorgh, and attacked with all his monsters for the game!

Orca makes an amazing final turn, thanks to his Future Visions being destroyed. Doom will be going first in the next round!

Doom started off his turn with Future Fusion, sending five dragons from his deck to the graveyard, targeting Five-Headed Dragon. Next he activated Dragunity Ravine, and used its effect, discarding Dragunity Phalanx to search for Dragunity Dux. He then summoned Dux, special summoned Phalanx, Synchro Summoned for Dragunity Knight - Vajryana, special summoned Phalanx, and Synchro Summoned Stardust Dragon. He then ended.

Orca used Monster Reborn to get back Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon from Doom's Graveyard. He then attacked Stardust with Red-Eyes. He lastly set three face-down spell/traps, set a monster, and ended.

On Doom's Draw Phase, Orca activated Anti-Spell Fragrance, and Doom chained Mystical Space Typhoon from his hand, destroying Anti-Spell Fragrance! He next activated Ravine's effect, discarding Dragunity Aklys to search for Dragunity Legionnaire. Doom then summoned the Legionnaire, but Orca responded with Solemn Judgment, negating the summon and destroying it. Doom set a card to his backrow, and ended.

Orca activated Future Visions, but Doom chained Solemn Judgement to negate and destroy it. Orca then attacked Doom directly with Red-Eyes, dropping Doom to only 1050 life points! Orca then set a face-down spell/trap, and ended.

Doom got his Five-Headed Dragon for his turn, but Orca activated Ceasefire, inflicting 1500 points of damage for game!

Orcadb is the winner!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Welcome to the Second Official Team Atlantis Grand Championship v2 Tournament!

Welcome to the Second TAGC! With many new decktypes out and many different strategies, this will definitely be an interesting tournament! We have a total of eight players for this tournament, but only one will be determined the Team Atlantis Grand Champion. I will provide coverage throughout the tournament to give all members a look on how the tournament is going on.

So, without further ado, welcome to the Second TAGC and good luck to all players participating!


Welcome to the Team Atlantis Grand Championship Coverage blog! This is where all coverage relating to the Team Atlantis Grand Championship (TAGC) will be now posted. As each TAGC is being performed, I (and perhaps several other writers) will provide you with coverage for the event. Anyone is allowed to comment on this blog.

So, welcome to this site and I hope you all enjoy!


TAGC II v1 - Round 1 Feature Match

Round 1 Feature Match: BarkwhipSmash vs Hollowblade

Today's feature match is putting BarkwhipSmash against Hollowblade. BarkwhipSmash is our winner of the Team Atlantis Grand Championship - Season 1. He is eager to earn a second title of TAGC champion for this season. He is playing GearTown Machines for this tournament. His opponent is Hollowblade, a relatively newer member to Team Atlantis. He is playing Simochi Burn. Let's find out who will be the victor for this match!

Barkwhip won the die roll, and chose to go first. He activated Geartown, and set a card to the backrow.

Hollowblade set three cards to his spell/trap zone and a monster. At the end phase Barkwhip chained Double Cyclone, destroying his own Geartown and Hollowblade's face-down Grave of the Super Ancient Organism. Barkwhip then special summoned an Ancient Gear Gadjilatron Dragon due to Geartown's effect.

For Barkwhip's turn, he set 2 cards to his backrow and then attacked into Hollowblade's Spirit Reaper with his Ancient Gear Gadjilatron Dragon. He then passed.

Hollowblade activated Necrovalley, and passed.

Barkwhip set a card to the backrow, and passed.

Hollowblade set a monster.

Barkwhip activated Geartown, destroying the already in-play Necrovalley.

Hollowblade activated Necrovalley, destroying Geartown. Barkwhip the special summoned another Ancient Gear Gadjilatron Dragon with Geartown's effect.

Barkwhip passed.

Hollowblade summoned Nurse Reficule the Fallen One. He then activated Gift Card, and Barkwhip chained Trap Stun, negating it! Hollowblade then activated Upstart Goblin and drew a card, and Barkwhip lost 1000 life points. Hollowblade then ended his turn.

Barkwhip discarded Cyber Dragon and Machina Fortress to Special Summon Machina Fortress. He then attacked Hollowblade's nurse with his AGGD, and Hollowblade activated Gravity Bind, stopping the attack! Barkwhip then ended his turn.

Hollowblade set a monster and ended.

Barkwhip activated Terraforming, searching for Geartown. He then set a card to his backrow, and ended.

Hollowblade flip summoned Morphing Jar; both players discarded their hands and drew 5 new cards. He next flip summoned A Cat of Ill Omen, adding Gift Card to his hand. Hollowblade then activated Rain of Mercy; Barkwhip lost 1000 life points and Hollowblade gained 1000 life points. He then set a backrow and ended.

Barkwhip drew, and Hollowblade activated 2 copies of Gift Card, but Barkwhip chained Book of Moon, flipping Nurse Reficule face-down and gained 6000 life points due to the Gift Cards. Barkwhip then summoned Machina Gearframe, searching for Machina Peacekeeper. He then ended his turn.

Hollowblade switched Morphing Jar and A Cat of Ill Omen to defense mode, set a backrow, and ended.

Barkwhip summoned Machina Peacekeeper, and Union equipped it to his AGGD. He then ended his turn.

Hollowblade flipped Bad Reaction to Simochi, and then used two copies of Upstart Goblin, bringing Barkwhip down to 10000 life points and drawing two cards! He then ended.

Barkwhip set a spell/trap and passed.

Hollowblade passed.

Barkwhip passed, sending Bottomless Trap Hole to the graveyard due to having more than 6 cards in his hand.

Hollowblade set a spell/trap card.

Barkwhip set a card to his backrow, and during his end phase flipped Paths of Destiny; Hollowblade flipped heads, so Barkwhip lost 2000 life points, and Hollowblade gained 2000 life points.

Hollowblade passed.

Barkwhip unequipped his Peacekeeper from AGGD and attacked Spirit Reaper, activating Skill Drain, and destroying Spirit Reaper. Barkwhip then ended his turn, discarding Gigantes for the hand size limit.

Hollowblade activated Soul Taker, destroying AGGD, and causing Barkwhip to lose 1000 life points. He then set a monster and ended.

Barkwhip attacked Hollowblade's face-down A Cat of Ill Omen with Peackeeper and destroyed it. He then discarded Skill Drain, ending his turn.

Hollowblade set a monster. He then activated another Soul Taker, destroying Barkwhip's other AGGD and caused him to lose 1000 life points yet again! He then ended.

Barkwhip attacked with his Peacekeeper into Hollowblade's face-down Marshmallon. He then discarded Machina Fortress, and passed.

Hollowblade passed.

Barkwhip attacked with his Peackeeper into a face-down Sangan, taking 100 life points. He then dicarded Solemn Warning, and ended.

Hollowblade activated Rain of Mercy and passed.

Barkwhip set a spell/trap card.

Hollowblade activated another Rain of Mercy, and ended.

Barkwhip passed, and discarded Royal Oppression.

Hollowblade set a spell/trap card.

Barkwhip drew, and Hollowblade activated Paths of Destiny, flipping heads yet again! Barkwhip was only at 900, where Hollowblade was at 15000! Barkwhip passed, discarding Bottomless Trap Hole.

Hollowblade set a card to his backrow, and ended.

Hollowblade tried to activate Eye of Truth during Barkwhip's draw phase, but Barkwhip chained Solemn Judgement, negating it! Barkwhip then passed, discarding Malvolent Catastrophe.

Hollowblade passed.

Barkwhip activated Giant Trunade, returning all spells/traps to the owners hand. He next activated Dark Hole, clearing all the monsters off the field. He then discarded 2 Malefic Cyber End Dragons to special summon 2 Fortresses, summoned Gearframe, searching for another Fortress, and discarded Gearframe and Fortress to special summon a third Fortress. He then attacked,
and dropped Limiter Removal for game. An amazing setup leads BarkwhipSmash to the win! Hollowblade will be going first this time around.

Hollowblade set a monster and a spell/trap, and then ended his turn.

Barkwhip started off by activating Geartown, then activating Double Cyclone, destroying his own Geartown and Hollowblade's face-down Bad Reaction to Simochi, and special summoning AGGD with Geartown's effect. Barkwhip summoned Machina Gearframe, searching for Peacekeeper. He then attacked with his Gearframe into a face-down Marshmallon, taking 1000 damage. He then ended.

Hollowblade set a monster and ended.

Barkwhip set a spell/trap card.

Hollowblade set another monter and activated Necrovalley.

Barkwhip activated Nobleman of Crossout, removing Sangan from the game. He next discarded Peacekeeper and Fortress to special summon Fortress. He then activated Skill Drain and attacked Hollowblade's Marshmallon with his Gearframe. He destroyed Hollowblade's Magical Merchant with his Fortress, and hit Hollowblade directly with AGGD. Barkwhip ended.

Hollowblade set a card to his backrow and a monster, then ended.

Barkwhip attacked and destroyed Hollowblade's set Spirit Reaper with his Gearframe. He then attacked Hollowblade directly with Fortress and AGGD for game.

BarkwhipSmash is the victor!

TAGC I - Top Decklists

Here are the Top Decklists for the first TAGC!

1st Place - BarkwhipSmash (Blackwings)

3 Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North
3 Blackwing - Bora the Spear
1 Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
3 Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow
3 Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame
3 Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn
1 Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor
1 Dark Armed Dragon

1 Black Whirlwind
3 Book of Moon
1 Allure of Darkness
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Pot of Duality
1 Monster Reborn
1 Dark Hole

3 Icarus Attack
1 Royal Oppression
1 Solemn Judgment
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Seven tools of the bandit
1 Torrential Tribute
2 Solemn Warning

1|Tdgs|Stardust Dragon
1|5ds1|Colossal Fighter
1|Sjcs|Dark End Dragon
1|Sovr|Blackwing - Silverwind the Ascendant
1|Crms|Blackwing Armor Master
1|Csoc|Black Rose Dragon
2|Rgbt|Blackwing Armed Wing
1|Ha01|Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1|Tdgs|Goyo Guardian
2|Tdgs|Magical Android
1|Ha01|Ally of Justice Catastor
2|Jump|Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

2 Delta Crow - Anti-Reverse
2|Ston|Pulling the Rug
2|Dcr|Skill Drain
3|Crv|Cyber Dragon
1|Dlg1|Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
2|Ston|D.D. Crow
2|Psv|Nobleman of Crossout
2|Tp7|Breaker the Magical Warrior

2nd Place - r0t0r (Rock Stun)

3|Rgbtpp|Koa'ki Meiru Guardian
3|Tshd|Koa'ki Meiru Sandman
3|Ast|Legendary Jujitsu Master
2|Lodt|Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo
1|Ston|Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
1|Db2|Morphing Jar
2|Sjcs|Doomcaliber Knight
3|Yg02|Thunder King Rai-Oh

1|Sye|Dark Hole
1|Sdk|Monster Reborn
3|Ysds|Smashing Ground
2|Sye|Mystical Space Typhoon
3|Drev|Pot of Duality

2|Psv|Magic Drain
1|Mrd|Solemn Judgment
3|Drev|Solemn Warning
2|Lod|Bottomless Trap Hole
2|Wc08|Dimensional Prison
1|Mrd|Mirror Force
1|Lon|Torrential Tribute
1|Dpct|Starlight Road
1|Lod|Royal Oppression
3|Tdgs|Stardust Dragon
3|Jump|Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

2|Rds|Divine Wrath
1|Wc08|Dimensional Prison
3|Rgbt|Swallow Flip
2|Dpct|Starlight Road
3|Eoj|Banisher of the Radiance
3|Crv|Cyber Dragon

3rd Place - BigStinkinApe (Dragons)

3|Jump|Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
1|Ptdn|Prime Material Dragon
1|Ddy1|Vice Dragon
2|Glas|Dragon Ice
1|Rgbt|Koa'ki Meiru Drago
3|Gx06|Red-Eyes Wyvern
2|Dlg1|Blizzard Dragon
2|Drev|Delta Flyer
2|Sod|Masked Dragon
2|Wc07|Exploder Dragon
1|Tshd|Dread Dragon
1|Tp4|Morphing Jar

1|Potd|Future Fusion
2|Sjcs|Gold Sarcophagus
1|Mrl|Giant Trunade
1|Dp03|Burial from a Different Dimension
3|Pgd|Book of Moon
2|Psv|Nobleman of Extermination
2|Lod|A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon

1|Mrd|Solemn Judgment
1|Mrd|Seven Tools of the Bandit
1|Gx04|Dark Bribe
2|Rgbt|Trap Stun
3|Ioc|Compulsory Evacuation Device

2|Sd09|Five-Headed Dragon
1|Drev|Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
1|Rgbt|Trident Dragion
1|Ha01|Mist Wurm
1|Drev|Scrap Dragon
1|5ds1|Colossal Fighter
2|Tdgs|Stardust Dragon
1|Csoc|Black Rose Dragon
1|Rgbt|Exploder Dragonwing
1|Tdgs|Goyo Guardian
1|Ha01|Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1|Tdgs|Magical Android
1|Ha01|Ally of Justice Catastor

1|Ptdn|Prime Material Dragon
1|Rgbt|Koa'ki Meiru Drago
1|Crms|Totem Dragon
2|Drev|Effect Veiler
2|Ptdn|Super Polymerization
2|Drev|Solemn Warning
1|Gx04|Dark Bribe
2|Rgbt|Swallow Flip
1|Ddy1|Vice Dragon
1|Fotb|Eradicator Epidemic Virus
1|Fet|Deck Devastation Virus

4th Place - Shadwen

(Decklist has not been sent yet)

TAGC I - Round 6 Feature Match

Round 6 Feature Match: BarkwhipSmash vs BigStinkinApe

We have already seen what BarkwhipSmash's Blackwings were capable of doing in his last feature match against Dreadmaster2. BarkwhipSmash's record was 6 Points, and he needed 1 more win in order to guarentee his spot in the top 4. His opponent was Bigstinkinape, a very formidable duelist who is widely known on TCGplayer and is piloting Dragons in this TA Grand Championship tournament. He has already pretty much has been guarenteed his Top 4 spot, but another win would give him a better record. It's time to see who will win for this round!

Bigstinkinape won the dice roll and decided to go first. He set four backrow and a monster, and then ended his turn.

Barkwhip activated his Allure of Darkness, drawing 2 cards and removing his Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow from the game. He then set a monster and two backrow, and ended his turn, and in the end phase, Bigstinkinape activated Compulsary Evacuation Device, returning Barkwhip's monster back to his hand.

Bigstinkinape drew, and activated Trap Stun. He then activated Giant Trunade, returning all spell and trap cards to the owners' hands. He then set two spell/trap cards face down, and flip summoned Morphing Jar, with both players discarding their entire hands and drawing five new cards. Bigstinkinape then summoned Masked Dragon, and hit Barkwhipsmash with his two monsters, putting Barkwhip at 5900! He then set another backrow, and ended his turn.

Barkwhip set four cards to his spell/trap zone, and ended his turn.

Bigstinkinape summoned Dread Dragon, and attacked with all three of his monsters, leaving Barkwhip with only 1700 life points. He then synchro summoned for Black Rose Dragon, blowing up all of Barkwhip's backrow and then ended his turn.

Barkwhip activated Pot of Duality, revealing Royal Oppression, Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow, and Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North. He chose Blizzard, and shuffled the other two cards back into his deck.

Bigstinkinape summoned Blizzard Dragon, and attacked for the game! BarkwhipSmash will go first in Game 2!

Barwhip started off with Pot of Duality, revealing Solemn Warning, Mystical Space Typhoon, and Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow. He chose Solemn Warning, and shuffled the remaining two cards back into his deck. He then summoned Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame, set three cards to his spell/trap zone, and ended his turn.

Bigstinkinape activated Gold Sarcophagus, removing Future Fusion from play to get it two turns later. He then set two cards to his backrow and summoned Red-Eyes Wyvern. Bigstinkinape tried to attack Shura with his Wyvern, but was stopped by a Book of Moon, flipping it face-down. Bigstinkinape then ended his turn, and at the End Phase, Barkwhip activated Mystical Space Typhoon, destroying Bigstinkinape's face-down Gold Sarcophagus.

Barwhip attacked with his Shura, destroying Wyvern and special summoning Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor with Shura's effect. Vayu then hit for 800, and in his Main Phase 2, Barkwhip synchroed for Magical Android, but its summon was negated by Solemn Judgement. He then ended his turn.

Bigstinkinape set a monster and a spell/trap card, and ended his turn.

Barkwhip activated Black Whirlwind, and then summoned Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn, searching for Shura with Whirlwind's effect. Barkwhip then attacked with Sirocco, but Bigstinkinape activated Book of Moon, flipping Sirocco face-down. He then ended his turn.

Bigstinkinape got his Future Fusion to his hand from Gold Sarcophagus. He then tributed his face-down Exploder Dragon for Prime Material Dragon, only for its summon to be negated by Solemn Warning. He then activated Future Fusion, sending 2 Red-Eyes Wyvern, Koa'ki Meiru Drago, Dragon Ice, and Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon to the Graveyard, targeting Five-Headed Dragon. He then ended his turn.

Barkwhip summoned Shura, and searched for Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow. He then attacked with Shura and Sirocco, plus with a pump from Kalut, for the game! Bigstinkinape will start first this nest game!

Bigstinkinape started off with Gold Sarcophagus, removing Future Fusion to get it two turns later. He then summoned Koa'ki Meiru Drago, and ended his turn, revealing Vice Dragon.

Barkwhip activated Pot of Duality, revealing Seven Tools of the Bandit, Dark Armed Dragpn, and Dark Hole. He chose Dark Armed Dragon, and shuffled the remaining cards back into his deck. Barkwhip then summoned Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn, and attacked Drago. He then set one card to his spell/trap zone, and ended his turn.

Bigstinkinape activated Giant Trunade, returning Barkwhip's set spell/trap to his hand. He then special summoned Vice Dragon, and removed it from play to special summon Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon. He used Red-Eyes's effect to bring back Drago from the Graveyard. He then set a face-down monster and attacked Sirocco with his Red-Eyes. Drago then made a direct attack, bringing Barkwhip down to 5300 life points. He then ended his turn, revealing Red-Eyes Wyvern for Drago.

Barkwhip set a monster and three cards to his spell/trap zone, and ended his turn.

Bigstinkinape got his Future Fusion from Gold Sarcophagus, and set it face-down. He then flip summoned Morphing Jar, discarding all cards in both players' hands and making them draw five new cards. He then set three more backrow, and attacked Barkwhip's face-down monster with Drago. Barkwhip activated Icarus Attack, tributing his face-down Sirocco to destroy Bigstinkinape's Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon and the face-down Future Fusion. Morphing Jar and Drago then attacked directly, bring Barkwhip down to 2700, and he ended his turn, revealing Masked Dragon for Drago's effect.

Barkwhip summoned Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame, and Bigstinkinape activated Compulsory Evacuation Device, returning Shura to his hand. Barkwhip then activated Book of Moon, turning Drago into face-down defense mode. Sirocco then attacked the face-down Drago, and Bigstinkinape activated Book of Moon, flipping Sirocco face-down. He then set two cards to his backrow, and ended his turn.

Bigstinkinape activated on his Draw Phase Trap Stun, and Barkwhip responded with Solemn Judgement, negating and destroying it! Bigstinkinape then activated Nobleman of Extermination on Barkwhip's face-down Torrential Tribute, destroying and removing it from the game. He then summoned Masked Dragon, flip summoned Drago, and attacked Sirocco. Barkwhip activated Icarus Attack, tributing Sirocco and destroying Drago and Masked Dragon. Morphing Jar then hit Barkwhip directly, leaving Barkwhip only at 650 life points!

Barkwhip summoned Shura and attacked Morphing Jar with it, special summoning Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor. Vayu made a direct attack, and in the Main Phase 2, he synchro summoned for Magical Android. In the End Phase, Barkwhip gained 600 life points due to Android's effect.

Bigstinkinape set a face-down spell/trap card, and in his End Phase removed from play his Red-Eyes Wyvern to Special Summon Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon from the Graveyard.

Barkwhip drew, and summoned Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North, special summoning Shura with Blizzard's effect from the Graveyard in defense mode. He then special summoned Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind, and synchro summoned Colossal Fighter with Gale and Android. He then removed Vayu and Sirocco to special summon Blackwing Armed Wing. He then syncro summoned Dark End Dragon with Blizzard and Armed Wing, and attempted to use Dark End's effect to send Red-Eyes to the Graveyard, but was stopped by Effect Veiler. He then set a face-down spell/trap and ended his turn.

Bigstinkinape set a face-down to his spell/trap zone, and revived Drago with Red-Eyes's effect. He then attacked Shura with his Drago, destroying it, and then attacked Dark End Dragon with Red-Eyes, only to be stopped by Book of Moon. At the End Phase, Bigstinkinape had no Dragon-type monsters to reveal, so Drago was destroyed.

Barkwhip activated Dark End's effect, cutting its attack by 500 and destroying Red-Eyes. He then attacked Bigstinkinape directly, bringing him down to 3900. Barkwhip then set a monster and a face-down spell/trap, and ended his turn.

Bigstinkinape passed, not making a single play.

Barkwhip attacked with Dark End again, and Bigstinkinape activated Compulsary Evacuation Device, returning Dark End Dragon to the Extra Deck. He then set a face-down spell/trap, and ended his turn.

Bigstinkinape passed yet again.

Barkwhip flipped his Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow into attack position and attacked directly, bringing Bigstinkinape to 2500.

Bigstinkinape set a face-down to his spell/trap zone, only for it (Trap Stun) to be destroyed during the End Phase by Mystical Space Typhoon.

Barkwhip summoned another Kalut, and attacked with both Kaluts. Bigstinkinape used Compulsary Evacuation Device to return a Kalut to the hand, but Barkwhip used the Kalut's effect in the Damage Step, boosting his Kalut to 2800 for the game!

Barkwhip makes an astonishing comeback Game 3 and makes it to the Top 4!

TAGC I - Round 2 Feature Match

Round 2 Feature Match: BarkwhipSmash vs. Dreadmaster2

BarkwhipSmash is in our Grand Championship today, playing Blackwings. He is a very well-known player on Team Atlantis. His opponent, Dreadmaster2, is piloting Gladiator Beasts today for this tournament. He is known as the leader of this team and a very strong opponent. Who will be the victor? It's time to find out!

Dreadmaster won the die roll, and decided to go first. He summoned Gladiator Beast Laquari, set two backrows, and ended his turn.

Barkwhip set a monster and 2 spell/trap cards. He then ended his turn.

Dreadmaster drew his card, and activated Cold Wave. Barkwhip responded with Icarus Attack, tributing his Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame to destroy Laquari and one of Dreadmaster's face-downs. Dreadmaster then summoned his Gladiator Beast Samnite, and attacked Barkwhip directly for 1600, putting Barkwhip down to 6400 life points. He then tagged-out his Gladiator Beast Bestiari, attempting to destroy Barkwhip's face-down. Barkwhip then responded with Solemn Warning, attempting to negate the summon of Gladiator Beast Bestiari and destroying it. Cold Wave was out, however, so the card would not be able to activate, and play re-setted. Dreadmaster then ended his turn.

Barkwhip drew, and summoned Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame. Barkwhip then attacked with his Shura, destroying Bestiari, and bringing Dreadmaster down to 7700. Shura's effect then activated, Special Summoning Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor from Barkwhip's deck. Vayu then made a direct attack, and Barkwhip went to his Main Phase 2, synchroing his Shura and Vayu for Magical Android! Barkwhip then ended his turn, gaining 600 life points from Android's effect.

Dreadmaster drew for his turn, and activated Fissure, destroying Magical Android. Dreadmaster then summoned his Gladiator Beast Equeste, attacked Barkwhip directly, and tagged-out for Gladiator Beast Laquari. Dreadmaster was at 6900 where Barkwhip was at 5400. Dreadmaster then ended his turn.

Barkwhip drew, and summoned Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn. Dreadmaster then responded with Gladiator Beast War Chariot, destroying Sirocco. Barkwhip then activated Dark Hole, destroying Laquari, and ended his turn.

Dreadmaster summoned Elemental Hero Prisma, attacked Barkwhip directly for 1700, and ended his turn.

Barkwhip summoned Blackwing - Bora the Spear, special summoned Blackwing - Gale the Whirl wind, and activated Gale's effect, cutting Prisma's attack in half. Barkwhip then destroyed Dreadmaster's Prisma with his Gale, and attacked directly with Bora, bring Dreadmaster down to 6450. He then synchro summoned into Blackwing Armor Master, and ended his turn.

Dreadmaster set one card face-down and activated Fissure, destroying Barkwhip's Armor Master, and ended his turn.

Barkwhip set a face-down spell/trap and ended his turn.

Dreadmaster passed.

Barkwhip removed his Armor Master and Vayu from his graveyard, special summoning Blackwing - Silverwind the Ascendant from his Extra Deck. Dreadmaster attempted to use Bottomless Trap Hole, to destroy Silverwind, but Barkwhip responded with Seven Tools of the Bandit! He then attacked directly with Silverwind directly, and ended his turn.

Dreadmaster activated Fissure, but Barkwhip responded with Solemn Judgement, saving his Silverwind yet again! Dreadmaster set a monster and ended.

Barkwhip attacked Dreadmaster's face-down Prisma with his Silverwind, destroying it. Barkwhip ended his turn.

Dreadmaster drew, and saw that he was unable to do anything else and conceded. Time to move on to Game 2!

Dreadmaster decided to go first once again, setting two face-down spell/trap cards and ending his turn.

Barkwhip drew, and set a monster and two spell/trap cards. He then ended his turn.

Dreadmaster set another spell/trap face-down, and activated Dark Hole, destroying Barkwhip's face-down Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame. He then summoned his Gladiator Beast Murmillo, special summoned Test Tiger, and tributed his Test Tiger to send Murmillo back to the deck for Gladiator Beast Bestiari. Barkwhip then responded with Skill Drain, paying 1000 life points to activate its effect. Dreadmaster attacked Barkwhip directly with his Bestiari, and ended his turn.

Barkwhip then summoned Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn, and Dreadmaster responded with Bottomless Trap Hole. Barkwhip then responded with his Icarus Attack, tributing Sirocco and Dreadmaster chained his face-down Threatening Roar. Barkwhip then special summoned Cyber Dragon, and set two cards to his backrow. He then ended his turn.

Dreadmaster activated Smashing Ground, destroying Cyber Dragon, and attacked directly with Bestiari, bringing Barkwhip down to 4000 life points.

Barkwhip drew a card, and passed.

Dreadmaster drew and summoned Gladiator Beast Darius. Darius and Bestiari made direct attacks on Barkwhip's life points, bringing Barkwhip down to just 800! 

Barkwhip summoned Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind, activated Book of Moon, flipping Gale face-down, and attacked over Darius. He then ended his turn.

Dreadmaster activated Fissure, and Barkwhip conceded. This final game will determine which person will win this round. Time to find out who does!

Barkwhip when first this time, activating Pot of Duality. He revealed Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwing, Dark Armed Dragon, and Cyber Dragon. He took Cyber Dragon and shuffled the other two cards back into his deck. Barkwhip then set two face-down spell/traps and ended his turn.

Dreadmaster began his turn by activating Mystical Space Typhoon, destroying Barkwhip's facedown Royal Oppression. He then set two face-downs, and summoned Gladiator Beast Murmillo. Dreadmaster then special summoned Test Tiger, tributing it to return Murmillo to the deck for Gladiator Beast Bestiari. Barkwhip responded with Bottomless Trap Hole, removing Bestiri from play. Dreadmaster then ended his turn.

Barkwhip drew, set a backrow, and ended his turn.

Dreadmaster passed, not making a play.

Barkwhip passed.

Dreadmaster passed again.

Barkwhip set a backrow and ended his turn.

Dreadmaster passed.

Barkwhip set a monster and ended.

Dreadmaster set two face-downs and ended. On his end phase Barkwhip activated Icarus Attack, tributing Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame to destroy Dreadmaster's two face-downs.

Barkwhip drew a card, and activated Mystical Space Typhoon, destroying Dreadmaster's face-down Enemy Controller. He then summoned Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North and special summoned Shura with Blizzard's effect. Dreadmaster tried to use his Black Horn of Heaven, but since you cannot use it on Blizzard's effect, the Horn was re-setted and Blizzard's effect resolved. Barkwhip then synchro summoned Goyo Guardian, using Blizzard and Shura, and Dreadmaster responed with Black Horn of Heaven, negating the summon of Goyo and destroying it. Barkwhip set on face-down spell/trap and ended his turn.

Dreadmaster activated Cold Wave, and summoned Gladiator Beast Equeste. He then special summoned Test Tiger, and tributed it, returning Equeste to the deck for Gladiator Beast Laquari. Laquari made a direct attack, bringing Barkwhip down to 5900. 

Barkwhip tried to use Monster Reborn to bring back his Goyo Guardian, but it wouldn't work due to Cold Wave's effect. Barkwhip then special summoned his Cyber Dragon, and rammed it into Laquari, destroying them both! He then ended his turn.

Dreadmaster drew a card and passed.

Barkwhip drew and used his Monster Reborn to get back Goyo Guardian. He attacked Dreadmaster directly with Goyo, and ended.

Dreadmaster activated Fissure, but Barkwhip responded with Book of Moon, saving his Goyo Guardian. Dreadmaster then summoned Equeste, rammed it into Goyo Guardian, and tagged it in for Gladiator Beast Darius, reviving Laquari. Dreadmaster then entered his Main Phase 2, activating yet another Fissure and destroying Goyo Guardian! he then ended his turn.

Barkwhip drew, and then special summoned Cyber Dragon. He attacked Darius with it, and Laquari returned to the deck. Barkwhip then set 1 face-down backrow and ended his turn.

Dreadmaster set 1 face-down spell/trap and ended.

Barkwhip then attacked with Cyber Dragon, but Dreadmaster activated Book of Moon, flipping it face-down. he then ended his turn.

Dreadmaster summoned Murmillo, attacked into the face-down Cyber Dragon with it, and took 800 damage. Barkwhip then activated Skill Drain, paying 1000 life points. Dreadmaster ended his turn.

Barkwhip flipped his Cyber Dragon face-up, and Dreadmaster immediately conceded! Dreadmaster wished Barwhip good luck in the rest of the tourney, and the two players moved on to the next round.

BarkwhipSmash takes a 2-1 victory with Blackwings!