Sunday, June 19, 2011

TAGC I - Round 6 Feature Match

Round 6 Feature Match: BarkwhipSmash vs BigStinkinApe

We have already seen what BarkwhipSmash's Blackwings were capable of doing in his last feature match against Dreadmaster2. BarkwhipSmash's record was 6 Points, and he needed 1 more win in order to guarentee his spot in the top 4. His opponent was Bigstinkinape, a very formidable duelist who is widely known on TCGplayer and is piloting Dragons in this TA Grand Championship tournament. He has already pretty much has been guarenteed his Top 4 spot, but another win would give him a better record. It's time to see who will win for this round!

Bigstinkinape won the dice roll and decided to go first. He set four backrow and a monster, and then ended his turn.

Barkwhip activated his Allure of Darkness, drawing 2 cards and removing his Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow from the game. He then set a monster and two backrow, and ended his turn, and in the end phase, Bigstinkinape activated Compulsary Evacuation Device, returning Barkwhip's monster back to his hand.

Bigstinkinape drew, and activated Trap Stun. He then activated Giant Trunade, returning all spell and trap cards to the owners' hands. He then set two spell/trap cards face down, and flip summoned Morphing Jar, with both players discarding their entire hands and drawing five new cards. Bigstinkinape then summoned Masked Dragon, and hit Barkwhipsmash with his two monsters, putting Barkwhip at 5900! He then set another backrow, and ended his turn.

Barkwhip set four cards to his spell/trap zone, and ended his turn.

Bigstinkinape summoned Dread Dragon, and attacked with all three of his monsters, leaving Barkwhip with only 1700 life points. He then synchro summoned for Black Rose Dragon, blowing up all of Barkwhip's backrow and then ended his turn.

Barkwhip activated Pot of Duality, revealing Royal Oppression, Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow, and Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North. He chose Blizzard, and shuffled the other two cards back into his deck.

Bigstinkinape summoned Blizzard Dragon, and attacked for the game! BarkwhipSmash will go first in Game 2!

Barwhip started off with Pot of Duality, revealing Solemn Warning, Mystical Space Typhoon, and Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow. He chose Solemn Warning, and shuffled the remaining two cards back into his deck. He then summoned Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame, set three cards to his spell/trap zone, and ended his turn.

Bigstinkinape activated Gold Sarcophagus, removing Future Fusion from play to get it two turns later. He then set two cards to his backrow and summoned Red-Eyes Wyvern. Bigstinkinape tried to attack Shura with his Wyvern, but was stopped by a Book of Moon, flipping it face-down. Bigstinkinape then ended his turn, and at the End Phase, Barkwhip activated Mystical Space Typhoon, destroying Bigstinkinape's face-down Gold Sarcophagus.

Barwhip attacked with his Shura, destroying Wyvern and special summoning Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor with Shura's effect. Vayu then hit for 800, and in his Main Phase 2, Barkwhip synchroed for Magical Android, but its summon was negated by Solemn Judgement. He then ended his turn.

Bigstinkinape set a monster and a spell/trap card, and ended his turn.

Barkwhip activated Black Whirlwind, and then summoned Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn, searching for Shura with Whirlwind's effect. Barkwhip then attacked with Sirocco, but Bigstinkinape activated Book of Moon, flipping Sirocco face-down. He then ended his turn.

Bigstinkinape got his Future Fusion to his hand from Gold Sarcophagus. He then tributed his face-down Exploder Dragon for Prime Material Dragon, only for its summon to be negated by Solemn Warning. He then activated Future Fusion, sending 2 Red-Eyes Wyvern, Koa'ki Meiru Drago, Dragon Ice, and Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon to the Graveyard, targeting Five-Headed Dragon. He then ended his turn.

Barkwhip summoned Shura, and searched for Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow. He then attacked with Shura and Sirocco, plus with a pump from Kalut, for the game! Bigstinkinape will start first this nest game!

Bigstinkinape started off with Gold Sarcophagus, removing Future Fusion to get it two turns later. He then summoned Koa'ki Meiru Drago, and ended his turn, revealing Vice Dragon.

Barkwhip activated Pot of Duality, revealing Seven Tools of the Bandit, Dark Armed Dragpn, and Dark Hole. He chose Dark Armed Dragon, and shuffled the remaining cards back into his deck. Barkwhip then summoned Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn, and attacked Drago. He then set one card to his spell/trap zone, and ended his turn.

Bigstinkinape activated Giant Trunade, returning Barkwhip's set spell/trap to his hand. He then special summoned Vice Dragon, and removed it from play to special summon Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon. He used Red-Eyes's effect to bring back Drago from the Graveyard. He then set a face-down monster and attacked Sirocco with his Red-Eyes. Drago then made a direct attack, bringing Barkwhip down to 5300 life points. He then ended his turn, revealing Red-Eyes Wyvern for Drago.

Barkwhip set a monster and three cards to his spell/trap zone, and ended his turn.

Bigstinkinape got his Future Fusion from Gold Sarcophagus, and set it face-down. He then flip summoned Morphing Jar, discarding all cards in both players' hands and making them draw five new cards. He then set three more backrow, and attacked Barkwhip's face-down monster with Drago. Barkwhip activated Icarus Attack, tributing his face-down Sirocco to destroy Bigstinkinape's Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon and the face-down Future Fusion. Morphing Jar and Drago then attacked directly, bring Barkwhip down to 2700, and he ended his turn, revealing Masked Dragon for Drago's effect.

Barkwhip summoned Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame, and Bigstinkinape activated Compulsory Evacuation Device, returning Shura to his hand. Barkwhip then activated Book of Moon, turning Drago into face-down defense mode. Sirocco then attacked the face-down Drago, and Bigstinkinape activated Book of Moon, flipping Sirocco face-down. He then set two cards to his backrow, and ended his turn.

Bigstinkinape activated on his Draw Phase Trap Stun, and Barkwhip responded with Solemn Judgement, negating and destroying it! Bigstinkinape then activated Nobleman of Extermination on Barkwhip's face-down Torrential Tribute, destroying and removing it from the game. He then summoned Masked Dragon, flip summoned Drago, and attacked Sirocco. Barkwhip activated Icarus Attack, tributing Sirocco and destroying Drago and Masked Dragon. Morphing Jar then hit Barkwhip directly, leaving Barkwhip only at 650 life points!

Barkwhip summoned Shura and attacked Morphing Jar with it, special summoning Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor. Vayu made a direct attack, and in the Main Phase 2, he synchro summoned for Magical Android. In the End Phase, Barkwhip gained 600 life points due to Android's effect.

Bigstinkinape set a face-down spell/trap card, and in his End Phase removed from play his Red-Eyes Wyvern to Special Summon Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon from the Graveyard.

Barkwhip drew, and summoned Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North, special summoning Shura with Blizzard's effect from the Graveyard in defense mode. He then special summoned Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind, and synchro summoned Colossal Fighter with Gale and Android. He then removed Vayu and Sirocco to special summon Blackwing Armed Wing. He then syncro summoned Dark End Dragon with Blizzard and Armed Wing, and attempted to use Dark End's effect to send Red-Eyes to the Graveyard, but was stopped by Effect Veiler. He then set a face-down spell/trap and ended his turn.

Bigstinkinape set a face-down to his spell/trap zone, and revived Drago with Red-Eyes's effect. He then attacked Shura with his Drago, destroying it, and then attacked Dark End Dragon with Red-Eyes, only to be stopped by Book of Moon. At the End Phase, Bigstinkinape had no Dragon-type monsters to reveal, so Drago was destroyed.

Barkwhip activated Dark End's effect, cutting its attack by 500 and destroying Red-Eyes. He then attacked Bigstinkinape directly, bringing him down to 3900. Barkwhip then set a monster and a face-down spell/trap, and ended his turn.

Bigstinkinape passed, not making a single play.

Barkwhip attacked with Dark End again, and Bigstinkinape activated Compulsary Evacuation Device, returning Dark End Dragon to the Extra Deck. He then set a face-down spell/trap, and ended his turn.

Bigstinkinape passed yet again.

Barkwhip flipped his Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow into attack position and attacked directly, bringing Bigstinkinape to 2500.

Bigstinkinape set a face-down to his spell/trap zone, only for it (Trap Stun) to be destroyed during the End Phase by Mystical Space Typhoon.

Barkwhip summoned another Kalut, and attacked with both Kaluts. Bigstinkinape used Compulsary Evacuation Device to return a Kalut to the hand, but Barkwhip used the Kalut's effect in the Damage Step, boosting his Kalut to 2800 for the game!

Barkwhip makes an astonishing comeback Game 3 and makes it to the Top 4!

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