Sunday, July 31, 2011

Top 4 Feature Match: Hollowblade vs. drillwarrior

Hollowblade finished the swiss rounds in the TAGC with an undefeated record with his Six Samurai. Facing off against him is drillwarrior, a member that was placed 2nd in standings after the swiss rounds with his Piper Chaos. It's time to see who advances to the finals to play for the title of Grand Champion!

Hollow started off his turn with setting 2 cards to his spell/trap zone, and then ended.

Drill set a backrow and ended.

Hollow set two face-down spells/traps, and activated Shien's Smoke Signal, searching for Kagemusha of the Six Samurai. He next activated Six Samurai United and summoned Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki, and with its effect Special Summoned Kagemusha. He sent United to the Graveyard to draw 2 cards, and activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy drill's set Seven Tools of the Bandit. He Synchro Summoned with his Kageki and Kagemusha for Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En. Hollow then activated Double-Edged Sword Technique, reviving his Kageki and Kagemusha, and Synchro Summoning another Shi En! He Special Summoned Grandmaster of the Six Samurai and entered his Battle Phase, attacking Drill directly with it! Drill attempted to Special Summon Battle Fader, but Hollow had Solemn, negating the summon of Fader and destroying it! The other 3 monsters attacked Drill directly for the win!

An amazing opening gives Hollowblade an OTK for the win! Drillwarrior will be going first the next round!

Drill started off his turn by summoning Doomcaliber Knight, setting two backrow, and ending.

Hollow set a monster and two backrow.

Drill set another backrow, and attacked with his Doomcaliber Knight into Hollow's face-down Kageki! He then ended.

Hollow flipped his face-down Gateway of the Six and Six Samurai United. He summoned Kagemusha of the Six Samurai, and Drill activated Chain Disappearance, removing Hollow's Kagemusha on the field and the two Kagemusha from his deck! Hollow next Special Summoned Grandmaster of the Six Samurai and sent his United to the Graveyard to draw two cards. He set a backrow and removed four counters from his Gateway to search for Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan. Kizan attacked Doomcaliber Knight, but Drill activated Mirror Force, destroying Kizan and Grandmaster. Hollow then ended.

Drill passed.

Hollow activated Shien's Smoke Signal, searching for Kageki. He then summoned Kageki and activated its effect, but Drill activated Solemn Warning, negating the effect of Kageki and destroying it. Hollow removed four counters from his Gateway to search for Kizan, and activated Reinforcement of the Army to search for his third Kizan. He Special Summoned both Kizans, and removed four counters from his Gateway to search for Grandmaster. He finally Special Summoned his Grandmaster and hit with all his monsters for the game!

Hollowblade is advancing to the final round!

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