Sunday, June 19, 2011

TAGC II v1 - Round 1 Feature Match

Round 1 Feature Match: BarkwhipSmash vs Hollowblade

Today's feature match is putting BarkwhipSmash against Hollowblade. BarkwhipSmash is our winner of the Team Atlantis Grand Championship - Season 1. He is eager to earn a second title of TAGC champion for this season. He is playing GearTown Machines for this tournament. His opponent is Hollowblade, a relatively newer member to Team Atlantis. He is playing Simochi Burn. Let's find out who will be the victor for this match!

Barkwhip won the die roll, and chose to go first. He activated Geartown, and set a card to the backrow.

Hollowblade set three cards to his spell/trap zone and a monster. At the end phase Barkwhip chained Double Cyclone, destroying his own Geartown and Hollowblade's face-down Grave of the Super Ancient Organism. Barkwhip then special summoned an Ancient Gear Gadjilatron Dragon due to Geartown's effect.

For Barkwhip's turn, he set 2 cards to his backrow and then attacked into Hollowblade's Spirit Reaper with his Ancient Gear Gadjilatron Dragon. He then passed.

Hollowblade activated Necrovalley, and passed.

Barkwhip set a card to the backrow, and passed.

Hollowblade set a monster.

Barkwhip activated Geartown, destroying the already in-play Necrovalley.

Hollowblade activated Necrovalley, destroying Geartown. Barkwhip the special summoned another Ancient Gear Gadjilatron Dragon with Geartown's effect.

Barkwhip passed.

Hollowblade summoned Nurse Reficule the Fallen One. He then activated Gift Card, and Barkwhip chained Trap Stun, negating it! Hollowblade then activated Upstart Goblin and drew a card, and Barkwhip lost 1000 life points. Hollowblade then ended his turn.

Barkwhip discarded Cyber Dragon and Machina Fortress to Special Summon Machina Fortress. He then attacked Hollowblade's nurse with his AGGD, and Hollowblade activated Gravity Bind, stopping the attack! Barkwhip then ended his turn.

Hollowblade set a monster and ended.

Barkwhip activated Terraforming, searching for Geartown. He then set a card to his backrow, and ended.

Hollowblade flip summoned Morphing Jar; both players discarded their hands and drew 5 new cards. He next flip summoned A Cat of Ill Omen, adding Gift Card to his hand. Hollowblade then activated Rain of Mercy; Barkwhip lost 1000 life points and Hollowblade gained 1000 life points. He then set a backrow and ended.

Barkwhip drew, and Hollowblade activated 2 copies of Gift Card, but Barkwhip chained Book of Moon, flipping Nurse Reficule face-down and gained 6000 life points due to the Gift Cards. Barkwhip then summoned Machina Gearframe, searching for Machina Peacekeeper. He then ended his turn.

Hollowblade switched Morphing Jar and A Cat of Ill Omen to defense mode, set a backrow, and ended.

Barkwhip summoned Machina Peacekeeper, and Union equipped it to his AGGD. He then ended his turn.

Hollowblade flipped Bad Reaction to Simochi, and then used two copies of Upstart Goblin, bringing Barkwhip down to 10000 life points and drawing two cards! He then ended.

Barkwhip set a spell/trap and passed.

Hollowblade passed.

Barkwhip passed, sending Bottomless Trap Hole to the graveyard due to having more than 6 cards in his hand.

Hollowblade set a spell/trap card.

Barkwhip set a card to his backrow, and during his end phase flipped Paths of Destiny; Hollowblade flipped heads, so Barkwhip lost 2000 life points, and Hollowblade gained 2000 life points.

Hollowblade passed.

Barkwhip unequipped his Peacekeeper from AGGD and attacked Spirit Reaper, activating Skill Drain, and destroying Spirit Reaper. Barkwhip then ended his turn, discarding Gigantes for the hand size limit.

Hollowblade activated Soul Taker, destroying AGGD, and causing Barkwhip to lose 1000 life points. He then set a monster and ended.

Barkwhip attacked Hollowblade's face-down A Cat of Ill Omen with Peackeeper and destroyed it. He then discarded Skill Drain, ending his turn.

Hollowblade set a monster. He then activated another Soul Taker, destroying Barkwhip's other AGGD and caused him to lose 1000 life points yet again! He then ended.

Barkwhip attacked with his Peacekeeper into Hollowblade's face-down Marshmallon. He then discarded Machina Fortress, and passed.

Hollowblade passed.

Barkwhip attacked with his Peackeeper into a face-down Sangan, taking 100 life points. He then dicarded Solemn Warning, and ended.

Hollowblade activated Rain of Mercy and passed.

Barkwhip set a spell/trap card.

Hollowblade activated another Rain of Mercy, and ended.

Barkwhip passed, and discarded Royal Oppression.

Hollowblade set a spell/trap card.

Barkwhip drew, and Hollowblade activated Paths of Destiny, flipping heads yet again! Barkwhip was only at 900, where Hollowblade was at 15000! Barkwhip passed, discarding Bottomless Trap Hole.

Hollowblade set a card to his backrow, and ended.

Hollowblade tried to activate Eye of Truth during Barkwhip's draw phase, but Barkwhip chained Solemn Judgement, negating it! Barkwhip then passed, discarding Malvolent Catastrophe.

Hollowblade passed.

Barkwhip activated Giant Trunade, returning all spells/traps to the owners hand. He next activated Dark Hole, clearing all the monsters off the field. He then discarded 2 Malefic Cyber End Dragons to special summon 2 Fortresses, summoned Gearframe, searching for another Fortress, and discarded Gearframe and Fortress to special summon a third Fortress. He then attacked,
and dropped Limiter Removal for game. An amazing setup leads BarkwhipSmash to the win! Hollowblade will be going first this time around.

Hollowblade set a monster and a spell/trap, and then ended his turn.

Barkwhip started off by activating Geartown, then activating Double Cyclone, destroying his own Geartown and Hollowblade's face-down Bad Reaction to Simochi, and special summoning AGGD with Geartown's effect. Barkwhip summoned Machina Gearframe, searching for Peacekeeper. He then attacked with his Gearframe into a face-down Marshmallon, taking 1000 damage. He then ended.

Hollowblade set a monster and ended.

Barkwhip set a spell/trap card.

Hollowblade set another monter and activated Necrovalley.

Barkwhip activated Nobleman of Crossout, removing Sangan from the game. He next discarded Peacekeeper and Fortress to special summon Fortress. He then activated Skill Drain and attacked Hollowblade's Marshmallon with his Gearframe. He destroyed Hollowblade's Magical Merchant with his Fortress, and hit Hollowblade directly with AGGD. Barkwhip ended.

Hollowblade set a card to his backrow and a monster, then ended.

Barkwhip attacked and destroyed Hollowblade's set Spirit Reaper with his Gearframe. He then attacked Hollowblade directly with Fortress and AGGD for game.

BarkwhipSmash is the victor!

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