Sunday, June 19, 2011

TAGC I - Round 2 Feature Match

Round 2 Feature Match: BarkwhipSmash vs. Dreadmaster2

BarkwhipSmash is in our Grand Championship today, playing Blackwings. He is a very well-known player on Team Atlantis. His opponent, Dreadmaster2, is piloting Gladiator Beasts today for this tournament. He is known as the leader of this team and a very strong opponent. Who will be the victor? It's time to find out!

Dreadmaster won the die roll, and decided to go first. He summoned Gladiator Beast Laquari, set two backrows, and ended his turn.

Barkwhip set a monster and 2 spell/trap cards. He then ended his turn.

Dreadmaster drew his card, and activated Cold Wave. Barkwhip responded with Icarus Attack, tributing his Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame to destroy Laquari and one of Dreadmaster's face-downs. Dreadmaster then summoned his Gladiator Beast Samnite, and attacked Barkwhip directly for 1600, putting Barkwhip down to 6400 life points. He then tagged-out his Gladiator Beast Bestiari, attempting to destroy Barkwhip's face-down. Barkwhip then responded with Solemn Warning, attempting to negate the summon of Gladiator Beast Bestiari and destroying it. Cold Wave was out, however, so the card would not be able to activate, and play re-setted. Dreadmaster then ended his turn.

Barkwhip drew, and summoned Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame. Barkwhip then attacked with his Shura, destroying Bestiari, and bringing Dreadmaster down to 7700. Shura's effect then activated, Special Summoning Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor from Barkwhip's deck. Vayu then made a direct attack, and Barkwhip went to his Main Phase 2, synchroing his Shura and Vayu for Magical Android! Barkwhip then ended his turn, gaining 600 life points from Android's effect.

Dreadmaster drew for his turn, and activated Fissure, destroying Magical Android. Dreadmaster then summoned his Gladiator Beast Equeste, attacked Barkwhip directly, and tagged-out for Gladiator Beast Laquari. Dreadmaster was at 6900 where Barkwhip was at 5400. Dreadmaster then ended his turn.

Barkwhip drew, and summoned Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn. Dreadmaster then responded with Gladiator Beast War Chariot, destroying Sirocco. Barkwhip then activated Dark Hole, destroying Laquari, and ended his turn.

Dreadmaster summoned Elemental Hero Prisma, attacked Barkwhip directly for 1700, and ended his turn.

Barkwhip summoned Blackwing - Bora the Spear, special summoned Blackwing - Gale the Whirl wind, and activated Gale's effect, cutting Prisma's attack in half. Barkwhip then destroyed Dreadmaster's Prisma with his Gale, and attacked directly with Bora, bring Dreadmaster down to 6450. He then synchro summoned into Blackwing Armor Master, and ended his turn.

Dreadmaster set one card face-down and activated Fissure, destroying Barkwhip's Armor Master, and ended his turn.

Barkwhip set a face-down spell/trap and ended his turn.

Dreadmaster passed.

Barkwhip removed his Armor Master and Vayu from his graveyard, special summoning Blackwing - Silverwind the Ascendant from his Extra Deck. Dreadmaster attempted to use Bottomless Trap Hole, to destroy Silverwind, but Barkwhip responded with Seven Tools of the Bandit! He then attacked directly with Silverwind directly, and ended his turn.

Dreadmaster activated Fissure, but Barkwhip responded with Solemn Judgement, saving his Silverwind yet again! Dreadmaster set a monster and ended.

Barkwhip attacked Dreadmaster's face-down Prisma with his Silverwind, destroying it. Barkwhip ended his turn.

Dreadmaster drew, and saw that he was unable to do anything else and conceded. Time to move on to Game 2!

Dreadmaster decided to go first once again, setting two face-down spell/trap cards and ending his turn.

Barkwhip drew, and set a monster and two spell/trap cards. He then ended his turn.

Dreadmaster set another spell/trap face-down, and activated Dark Hole, destroying Barkwhip's face-down Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame. He then summoned his Gladiator Beast Murmillo, special summoned Test Tiger, and tributed his Test Tiger to send Murmillo back to the deck for Gladiator Beast Bestiari. Barkwhip then responded with Skill Drain, paying 1000 life points to activate its effect. Dreadmaster attacked Barkwhip directly with his Bestiari, and ended his turn.

Barkwhip then summoned Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn, and Dreadmaster responded with Bottomless Trap Hole. Barkwhip then responded with his Icarus Attack, tributing Sirocco and Dreadmaster chained his face-down Threatening Roar. Barkwhip then special summoned Cyber Dragon, and set two cards to his backrow. He then ended his turn.

Dreadmaster activated Smashing Ground, destroying Cyber Dragon, and attacked directly with Bestiari, bringing Barkwhip down to 4000 life points.

Barkwhip drew a card, and passed.

Dreadmaster drew and summoned Gladiator Beast Darius. Darius and Bestiari made direct attacks on Barkwhip's life points, bringing Barkwhip down to just 800! 

Barkwhip summoned Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind, activated Book of Moon, flipping Gale face-down, and attacked over Darius. He then ended his turn.

Dreadmaster activated Fissure, and Barkwhip conceded. This final game will determine which person will win this round. Time to find out who does!

Barkwhip when first this time, activating Pot of Duality. He revealed Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwing, Dark Armed Dragon, and Cyber Dragon. He took Cyber Dragon and shuffled the other two cards back into his deck. Barkwhip then set two face-down spell/traps and ended his turn.

Dreadmaster began his turn by activating Mystical Space Typhoon, destroying Barkwhip's facedown Royal Oppression. He then set two face-downs, and summoned Gladiator Beast Murmillo. Dreadmaster then special summoned Test Tiger, tributing it to return Murmillo to the deck for Gladiator Beast Bestiari. Barkwhip responded with Bottomless Trap Hole, removing Bestiri from play. Dreadmaster then ended his turn.

Barkwhip drew, set a backrow, and ended his turn.

Dreadmaster passed, not making a play.

Barkwhip passed.

Dreadmaster passed again.

Barkwhip set a backrow and ended his turn.

Dreadmaster passed.

Barkwhip set a monster and ended.

Dreadmaster set two face-downs and ended. On his end phase Barkwhip activated Icarus Attack, tributing Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame to destroy Dreadmaster's two face-downs.

Barkwhip drew a card, and activated Mystical Space Typhoon, destroying Dreadmaster's face-down Enemy Controller. He then summoned Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North and special summoned Shura with Blizzard's effect. Dreadmaster tried to use his Black Horn of Heaven, but since you cannot use it on Blizzard's effect, the Horn was re-setted and Blizzard's effect resolved. Barkwhip then synchro summoned Goyo Guardian, using Blizzard and Shura, and Dreadmaster responed with Black Horn of Heaven, negating the summon of Goyo and destroying it. Barkwhip set on face-down spell/trap and ended his turn.

Dreadmaster activated Cold Wave, and summoned Gladiator Beast Equeste. He then special summoned Test Tiger, and tributed it, returning Equeste to the deck for Gladiator Beast Laquari. Laquari made a direct attack, bringing Barkwhip down to 5900. 

Barkwhip tried to use Monster Reborn to bring back his Goyo Guardian, but it wouldn't work due to Cold Wave's effect. Barkwhip then special summoned his Cyber Dragon, and rammed it into Laquari, destroying them both! He then ended his turn.

Dreadmaster drew a card and passed.

Barkwhip drew and used his Monster Reborn to get back Goyo Guardian. He attacked Dreadmaster directly with Goyo, and ended.

Dreadmaster activated Fissure, but Barkwhip responded with Book of Moon, saving his Goyo Guardian. Dreadmaster then summoned Equeste, rammed it into Goyo Guardian, and tagged it in for Gladiator Beast Darius, reviving Laquari. Dreadmaster then entered his Main Phase 2, activating yet another Fissure and destroying Goyo Guardian! he then ended his turn.

Barkwhip drew, and then special summoned Cyber Dragon. He attacked Darius with it, and Laquari returned to the deck. Barkwhip then set 1 face-down backrow and ended his turn.

Dreadmaster set 1 face-down spell/trap and ended.

Barkwhip then attacked with Cyber Dragon, but Dreadmaster activated Book of Moon, flipping it face-down. he then ended his turn.

Dreadmaster summoned Murmillo, attacked into the face-down Cyber Dragon with it, and took 800 damage. Barkwhip then activated Skill Drain, paying 1000 life points. Dreadmaster ended his turn.

Barkwhip flipped his Cyber Dragon face-up, and Dreadmaster immediately conceded! Dreadmaster wished Barwhip good luck in the rest of the tourney, and the two players moved on to the next round.

BarkwhipSmash takes a 2-1 victory with Blackwings!

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