Monday, August 20, 2012

TAGC III - Top 4 Decklists

1st Place - Prometheus (Chaos Dragons)

Monsters (29):

1 Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
2 Card Trooper
3 Chaos Sorcerer
1 Dark Armed Dragon
2 Darkflare Dragon
2 Eclipse Wyvern
2 Effect Veiler
1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
3 Lightpulsar Dragon
3 Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
2 Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
3 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
1 Sangan
3 Tour Guide from the Underworld

Spells (11):

1 Allure of Darkness
1 Book of Moon
1 Charge of the Light Brigade
1 Dark Hole
1 Future Fusion
1 Heavy Storm
1 Monster Reborn
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
3 Solar Recharge

Extra Deck (15):

1 Five-Headed Dragon
1 Ancient Fairy Dragon
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon
1 Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger
1 Hieratic Dragon King of Atum
1 Inzektor Exa-Beetle
1 Leviair the Sea Dragon
1 Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1 Number 25: Force Focus
1 Photon Strike Bounzer
1 Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
1 Wind-Up Zenmaines

Side (15):

1 Effect Veiler
1 Electric Virus
2 Gemini Imps
2 Maxx "C"
2 Victoria
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
3 Royal Decree
2 Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror

2nd Place - drillwarrior (HERO Beat)

Monsters (7):

3 Beast Knight Barbaros
3 Elemental HERO Neos Alius
1 Elemental HERO Stratos

Spells (16):

1 Book Of Moon
1 Dark Hole
3 E - Emergency Call
3 Gemini Spark
1 Heavy Storm
3 Miracle Fusion
3 Pot Of Duality
1 Reinforcement Of The Army

Traps (17):

2 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Dark Bribe
2 Dimensional Prison
2 HERO Blast
1 Mirror Force
2 Skill Drain
1 Solemn Judgement
2 Solemn Warning
1 Starlight Road
2 Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck (15):

1 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
2 Elemental HERO Absolute Zero
1 Elemental HERO Gaia
1 Elemental HERO Great Tornado
2 Elemental HERO Nova Master
3 Elemental HERO The Shining
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Blade Armor Ninja
1 Number 39: Utopia
1 Number C39: Utopia Ray
1 Steelswarm Roach

Side Deck (15):

2 Cyber Dragon
2 D.D. Crow
1 Snowman Eater
2 Forbidden Chalice
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Smashing Ground
2 Super Polymerization
2 Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror

3rd Place - daaneskjold (Wind-Ups)

Monsters (19):

2 Wind-Up Magician
2 Wind-Up Rabbit
3 Wind-Up Shark
3 Wind-Up Rat
3 Tour Guide from the Underworld
3 Effect Veiler
1 Sangan
1 Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
1 Wind-Up Hunter

Spells (12):

3 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Dark Hole
1 Monster Reborn
1 Mind Control
1 Heavy Storm
1 Book of Moon
1 Smashing Ground
1 Pot of Avarice
2 Wind-Up Factory

Traps (9):

2 Torrential Tribute
2 Solemn Warning
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Mirror Force
1 Compulsory Evacuation Device
1 Call of the Haunted
1 Fiendish Chain

Extra Deck (15):

1 Wind-Up Zenmaines
3 Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity
1 Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction
1 Leviair the Sea Dragon
1 Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1 Tentempo the Percussion Djinn
1 Ally of Justice Catastor
1 Wind-Up Arsenal Zenmaioh
1 Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
1 Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon
1 Number 49: Utopia
1 Number C49: Utopia Ray

Side Deck (15):

1 Jinzo
2 Cyber Dragon
2 Dust Tornado
2 Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
2 Debunk
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 D.D. Crow
2 Snowman Eater

4th Place - BigStinkinApe (Dragons)

Monsters (19):

1 Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon
3 Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
3 Blue-Eyes White Dragon
1 Darkstorm Dragon
2 Red-Eyes Wyvern
2 Divine Dragon Apocralyph
1 Delta Flyer
2 Masked Dragon
1 Exploder Dragon
1 Totem Dragon
2 The White Stone of Legend

Spells (14):

1 Future Fusion
2 Mystical space Typhoon
1 Book of Moon
3 Dragon Ravine
2 Trade-in
1 Draconnection
1 Dragon's Mirror
1 Monster Reborn
1 Dark Hole
1 Heavy Storm

Traps (9):

1 Solemn Judgment
2 Champion's Vigilance
2 Call of the Haunted
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Compulsory Evacuation Device

Extra Deck (15):

1 Five-Headed Dragon
1 Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon
1 Trident Dragion
1 Mist Wurm
1 Black-Winged Dragon
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Ancient Fairy Dragon
1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1 Ally of Justice Catastor
1 Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis
1 Thunder End Dragon
1 Queen Dragun Djinn
1 Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1 Leviair the Sea Dragon

Side Deck (15):

1 Lightpulsar Dragon
1 Prime Material Dragon
2 Koa'Ki Meiru Drago
1 Lancer Dragonute
2 Effect Veiler
2 Forbidden Lance
2 Rivalry of Warlords
2 Fiendish Chain
2 Debunk

Top 4 Feature Match: Drillwarrior vs. Daaneskjold

We are now moving to the Top 4 of this year's TAGC, and the feature match is Drillwarrior vs. Daaneskjold. Both players have had feature matches in the past, and both have played each other before, with Daane being the victor. Which member will get to play in the final round? It's time to find out!

Drill won the die roll and opted to go first. He started off his turn by summoning Elemental HERO Neos Alius. Drill then set two backrow and ended.

Daane activated Dark Hole, destroying Neos Alius. He then activated Monster Reborn to bring back Drill's Neos Alius and hit him with it directly! Daane set two backrow and ended.

Drill activated E - Emergency Call and searched for another Neos Alius. He next summoned it, but Daane activated Solemn Warning, negating its summon and destroying it. Drill set another backrow and passed.

Daane activated Mystical Space Typhoon, destroying Drill's set Dark Hole. He then hit Drill directly with Neos Alius, but Drill activated Dimensional Prison to negate the attack and banish it. Daane ended.

Drill summoned Beast King Barbaros, but Daane activated Torrential Tribute to destroy it. Drill set a backrow and ended his turn.

Daane set an card to his spell/trap zone and passed.

Drill passed.

Daane set a monster.

Drill passed.

Daane summoned Sangan, and Drill activated Torrential Tribute to get rid of both of Daane's monsters. Daane searched Tour Guide from the Underworld with Sangan's effect and ended.

Drill activated Reinforcement of the Army, searching for Neos Alius. He summoned it, and hit Daane directly. Drill then set a backrow and ended.

Daane summoned Tour Guide from the Underworld, and used its effect to Special Summon another one from his deck. Daane overlayed his two Tour Guides to summon Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity, but Drill activated Bottomless Trap Hole to destroy and banish it! Daane passed.

Drill hit Daane directly with his Neos Alius. He then set another backrow and ended.

Daane set a backrow and a monster.

Drill attacked Daane's face-down Effect Veiler with his Neos Alius. He then passed to Daane.

Daane activated his face-down Wind-Up Factory and summoned Wind-Up Rat. Drill activated Gemini Spark, tributing his Neos Alius to destroy Rat and draw a card. Daane activated his face-down Mystical Soace Typhoon, destroying Drill's last spell/trap. He then banished a Light and a Dark monster to summon Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning! Black Luster Soldier made a direct attack, and Daane ended.

Drill activated Pot of Duality, and seeing no outs, conceded. Drill will be going first the next round!

Drill activated E - Emergency Call, searching for Elemental HERO Stratos. He next summoned Stratos, searching his deck for Neos Alius. Drill then activated Pot of Duality, choosing Solemn Warning. He set two backrow and ended.

Daane summoned Tour Guide from the Underworld, summoning a Sangan from his deck. He then set two backrow and ended his turn.

Drill summoned Elemental HERO Neos Alius, but Daane activated Torrential Tribute to destroy both HEROs and his Sangan. Daane searched Spirit Reaper with Sangan's effect. Drill set a backrow and passed.

Daane summoned Spirit Reaper and hit Drill directly with it. Drill activated Hero Blast, returning Neos Alius to his hand and destroying Reaper. Daane set a backrow and ended.

Drill summoned Neos Alius. He next activated another Emergency Call to search for another Neos Alius. He then hit Daane directly with his Neos Alius, set a backrow, and ended.

Daane summoned Tour Guide, which Special Summoned another Tour Guide form his deck. He then overlayed both Tour Guides to summon Wind-Up Zenmaines, and Drill activated Solemn Warning, paying 2000 life points to negate the summon and destroy it. Daane passed.

Drill summoned his second Neos Alius and hit Daane directly with both of his monsters. He then set a card to his spell/trap zone and ended his turn.

Daane activated his face-down Wind-Up Factory and Normal Summoned Wind-Up Shark. He revealed another Wind-Up Shark upon the first Shark's summon, and Special Summoned his second Shark. Wind-Up Factory then activated, letting Daane get a third Shark from his deck to his hand. Daane activated Wind-Up Shark's effects to make it Level 5, and Drill activated Book of Moon on the Level 4 Shark, flipping it face-down. Daane ended.

Drill overlayed both of his Neos Alius to summon Blade Armor Ninja. He detached a material from Blade Armor Ninja for its effect, allowing Ninja to attack twice this turn. Drill then summoned a third Neos Alius. He attacked Daane's face-down Shark with his Ninja, but Daane activated Mirror Force to negate the attack and destroy all of Drill's monsters. Drill chained Gemini Spark, tributing his Neos Alius to destroy Daane's face-down Solemn Warning. He set two backrow and passed.

Daane activated his Shark's effect to make it Level 3, which activated Wind-Up Factory's effect, and Daane searched for Wind-Up Magician. He next Flip Summoned his second Shark and activated its effect to make it Level 3, but Drill activated Skill Drain, paying 1000 life points to negate all effects on the field. Daane overlayed his two Sharks for Number 49: Utopia, but Drill actiavted Torrential Tribute to destroy it! He then set a monster and passed to Drill.

Drill activated Miracle Fusion, banishing his two Neos Alius in the graveyard to summon Elemental HERO the Shining. He then attacked Daane's face-down Wind-Up Magician with the Shining, set a backrow, and ended.

Daane drew and immediately conceded. Daane will be going first for the final game!

Daane started his turn by setting a monster. He then ended.

Drill activated E – Emergency Call, searching his deck for Elemental HERO Stratos. He Normal Summoned Stratos, and used its effect to search for Elemental HERO Neos Alius. Drill next activated Pot of Duality, and added Solemn Judgment to his hand with its effect. He then set four backrow and ended.

Daane set a backrow.

Drill Normal Summoned Neos Alius and attacked with Stratos into Daane’s face-down Snowman Eater. Snowman Eater destroyed Neos Alius because of its effect. Drill entered his Main Phase 2 and activated his face-down E – Emergency Call and searched for another Neos Alius. He then set a backrow and ended.

Daane summoned Spirit Reaper. He next activated Smashing Ground, destroying Stratos. He attacked Drill directly with Spirit Reaper, and Drill activated Skill Drain, negating all monster effects on the field! In Daane’s Main Phase 2. Daane overlayed his Snowman Eater and Reaper to summon Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction, but Drill activated Bottomless Trap Hole to destroy and banish it. Daane passed.

Drill summoned Neos Alius, and activated Miracle Fusion, banishing Stratos and Neos Alius from his graveyard to summon Elemental HERO the Shining. Daane responded to Shining’s summon by activating Torrential Tribute, destroying both of Drill’s monsters. Drill got Stratos and Neos Alius from his banished zone with Shining’s effect. Drill set a card to his spell/trap zone and passed.

Daane activated Mystical Space Typhoon, destroying Skill Drain. He then summoned Wind-Up Rabbit, bit Drill activated Solemn Warning to negate its summon and destroy it. Daane ended.

Drill summoned Stratos, activating its effect to search his deck for Neos Alius and added it to his hand. Stratos made a direct attack. Drill then set a backrow and ended his turn.

Daane Special Summoned Cyber Dragon, but Drill had yet another Bottomless Trap Hole to destroy and banish it. He summoned Wind-Up Rat, but Drill activated Solemn Judgment to negate the summon and destroy it. Daane then set a backrow and passed.

Drill summoned Neos Alius, but Daane activated Bottomless Trap Hole to destroy and banish it. Stratos his Daane directly again, and Drill ended.

Daane set a monster.

Drill set a backrow and summoned another Neos Alius. Alius destroyed Daane’s set Sangan, and Daane searched Tour Guide from the Underworld with Sangan’s effect. Drill his Daane directly with Stratos again and then ended.

Daane summoned Tour Guide, and used its effect to summon another one from his deck. He then overlayed both Tour Guides to summon Wind-Up Zenmaines in defense mode. He then activated Wind-Up Factory and ended.

Drill activated Heavy Storm, and chained his own Starlight Road to it, negating Storm but summoned a Stardust Dragon from his Extra Deck. Drill next overlayed his Neos Alius and Stratos to summon Blade Armor Ninja, and detached a material from it to allow it to attack twice this turn. Blade Armor Ninja hit Zenmaines twice, detaching both of its materials, and Stardust Dragon hit it a third time, destroying it! Drill ended his turn.

Daane drew for his turn and immediately conceded. Drill is going on to the Top 2 for the final round!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Round 8 Feature Match: Zerohero vs. Drillwarrior

This is the last round of swiss, and the match being featured for this round is Drillwarrior vs. Zerohero in a HERO mirror match. Both players really need a win for a shot at the Top 4, so let's find out who comes out victorious!

Zerohero won the die roll and decided to go first. He set two backrow and summoned Elemental HERO Ocean. Zerohero then ended.

Drill activated Pot of Duality, revealing E - Emergency Call, Torrential Tribute, and Miracle Fusion. He selected Miracle Fusion to add to his hand, and shuffled the rest into his deck. Drill then summoned Elemental HERO Neos Alius, but Zerohero activated Super Polymerization, using Drill's Alius and his own Ocean to Fusion Summon Elemental HERO the Shining. Drill set two cards to his backrow and ended.

Zerohero hit Drill directly with Shining, and passed.

Drill Normal Summoned another Alius and then activated Gemini Spark, tributing his Alius to destory Shining, and drew a card. He next activated Miracle Fusion, banishing the two Aliuses in his graveyard to summon his own Shining! Shining made a direct attack, and Drill ended.

Zerohero set a backrow.

Drill activated E - Emergency Call, searching his deck for Elemental Hero Stratos. He summoned Stratos, and opted to use the first effect to destroy Zerohero's face-down Forbidden Lance. Drill next attacked Zerohero directly, but Zerohero activated Mirror Force, destroying all of Drill's monsters. Shining's effect then activated, allowing Drill to get back his two Aliuses to his hand from his banished zone. Drill then activated a second Miracle Fusion, banishing his Stratos and Shining in his graveyard to Fusion Summon another Shining. He ended.

Zerohero activated Miracle Fusion, banishing Ocean and Shining from his graveyard to summon his second Shining. He attempted to attack his Shining into Drill's Shining, but Drill activated Book of Moon to flip Zerohero's Shining face-down. Zerohero then set a card to his spell/trap zone and ended his turn.

Drill activated Por of Duality, revealing Solemn Warning, Bottomless Trap Hole, and Starlight Road; he added Bottomless Trap Hole to his hand. Drill next summoned Alius and attacked with his Shining into Zerohero's face-down Shining, destroying it. Zerohero got back Ocean to his hand and Shining to his extra deck with Shining's effect. Drill swung directly with Alius. He then set a backrow and passed.

Zerohero activated Fusion Gate and banished Elemental HERO Ice Edge and Ocean to Fusion Summon Elemental HERO Absolute Zero. Absolute Zero attacked over Alius for 600 damage. In his Main Phase 2, Zerohero activated Monster Reborn on Alius, and used Fusion Gate, banishing Absolute Zero and Alius to summon his Shining. Absolute Zero's effect then activated, destroying all of Drill's monsters. Drill got back Stratos and Alius to his hand with Shining's effect. Zero set a spell/trap, and ended.

Drill Normal Summoned Neos Alius. He next fused Stratos and Alius from his hand using Fusion Gate to summon Elemental HERO the Great Tornado. Tornado's effect activated, cutting Shining's attack in half. Alius attacked over Shining, and Zerohero added Ice Edge and Ocean back to his hand with Shining's effect. Drill attempted to swing with Tornado for the win, but Zerohero activated Forbidden Lance, which reduced Tornado's attack by 800 so that he can stay in the game! Drill ended.

Zerohero banished Ice Edge and Ocean using Fusion Gate to summon another Absolute Zero. He next used Fusion Gate's effect again, banishing Absolute Zero from his field and Neos Alius from his hand to summon Shining, but Drill activated Bottomless Trap Hole to destroy it and banish it! All of Drill's monsters were destroyed because of Absolute Zero's effect. Zero passed.

Drill activated his third Miracle Fusion, and Zerohero surrendered!

Zerohero will be going first for the second game. He started off by activating Pot of Duality, revealing D.D. Crow. Elemental HERO Neos Alius, and Mystical Space Typhoon; he selected Crow to add to his hand. Zerohero then set a monster and two backrow and ended.

Drill activated Heavy Storm, destroying Zerohero's face-down Solemn Warning and Mirror Force. He next Normal Summons Beast King Barbaros and attacks into Zerohero's face-down Elemental HERO Ice Edge. Drill then set a card to his spell/trap zone and passed.

Zerohero set a monster and a spell/trap.

Drill summons a second Beast King Barbaros, and Zerohero activates Torrential Tribute, destroying both of Drill's monsters and his own Elemental HERO Voltic. Drill passed.

Zerohero summoned Elemental HERO Neos Alius, but Drill activated Bottomless Trap Hole to destroy and banish it. Zerohero set a backrow and ended.

Drill summoned his own Alius and swung with it directly. He then set a spell/trap and ended.

Zerohero passed.

Drill yet again hit Zerohero directly with Alius and ended.

Zerohero Normal Summoned Elemental HERO Stratos, searching for an Alius. He next activated Fusion Gate, and banished Alius from his hand and Stratos from his field for Elemental HERO the Shining. Zerohero then attacked with Shining into Drill's Alius, but Drill activated Super Polymerization, discarding Book of Moon and using his own Alius and Zerohero's Shining to summon his own Shining. Zerohero ended.

Drill hit Zerohero directly with Shining, set a backrow, and ended.

Zerohero activated Pot of Duality and added D.D. Crow to his hand. He set a monster and passed.

Drill activated Pot of Duality and added Reinforcement of the Army to his hand. He next activated it, adding Alius to his hand. Drill summons Alius and Zerohero activated his own Super Polymerization, using Drill's Alius and Shining to summon his own Shining! Drill passed.

Zerohero activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Drill's backrow, but Drill chained Hero Blast to get back Alius. Shining then made a direct attack, dropping Drill to 4500 life points. Zerohero ended.

Drill summoned Alius and activated Gemini Spark, tributing Alius to destroy Shining, and Drill then drew one card. Zerohero added Alius and Stratos back to his hand with Shining's effect. Drill next activated Miracle Fusion, banishing his Shining and Alius in his graveyard to summon Shining. He attacked into Zerohero's face-down D.D. Crow with Shining. Drill then set two backrow and ended.

Zerohero used Fusion Gate's effect, banishing his Alius and Stratos in hand to summon Shining. Zerohero's 3500 attack Shining attacked Drill's 3200 attack Shining, but in the Damage Step Drill activated Forbidden Chalice on Zerohero's Shining, making it only 3000 attack! Zerohero's Shining was destroyed, and he got back Alius and Stratos with Shining's effect. Zerohero then banished his Alius and Stratos once again for Fusion Gate to summon Elemental HERO the Great Tornado. Tornado's effect activated, cutting Shining's attack in half. Zerohero then set a backrow and ended.

Drill activated his face-down Hero Blat to add back Alius to hand. He next Normal Summoned Alius and activated Gemini Spark, tributing Alius to destroy Tornado and draw a card. Drill then swung directly with his Shining to win the game and the match!

Drillwarrior completes his swiss rounds with a 6-2 record!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Round 3 Feature Match: BigStinkinApe vs. Golgar

BigStinkinApe is one of the Administrators on Team Atlantis's forum and a very well-known member. He is playing Dragons, a very interesting build focusing on Blue-Eyes White Dragon and even maining Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon! Golgar is another well-known member of the forum and is playing Final Countdown in today's tournament. Dragons are known to have a bad matchup against Final Countdown. Will BSA be able to take all of Golgar's lifepoints before Golgar hits the twenty turn mark on Final Countdown? It's time to find out.

BSA started off his turn by setting a card to his backrow. He next activated Dragon Ravine, discarding Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon to send Red-Eyes Wyvern from his deck to the graveyard. In his End Phase, he banished Wyvern to Special Summon REDMD from his graveyard.

Golgar started off by activating two copies of Upstart Goblin respectively, drawing two cards and bumping up BSA's life points to 10000. He next set a card to his backrow, Normal Summoned Card Car D, and used its effect, sending it to the graveyard to draw two cards. That play ended his turn.

During BSA's Draw Phase, knowing that Golgar may have a Thunder of Ruler set, he activated Mystical Space Typhoon, and did indeed destroy the set Thunder of Ruler! He next used Ravine's effect, pitching Divine Dragon Apocralyph to send The White Stone of Legend from his deck to the grave. White Stone's effect kicked in, adding a Blue-Eyes White Dragon from his deck to his hand. BSA then activated Trade-In, discarding Blue-Eyes to draw two cards. He activated REDMD's effect, bringing back Blue-Eyes. REDMD swung directly, and Golgar discarded Swift Scarecrow to end the Battle Phase. BSA then ended.

Golgar activated another Upstart Goblin, drawing one card. Golgar then activated One Day of Peace, and BSA activated Champion's Viligance to negate it! Golgar summoned Zero Gardna and ended his turn.

BSA activated Book of Moon, targeting Zero Gardna, and Golgar chained his Gardna's effect, tributing it to prevent battle damage for the turn. BSA activated his Ravine's effect, discarding Trade-In to send another White Stone from his deck to the graveyard. BSA searched for another Blue-Eyes and added it from his deck to his hand. He finally activated REDMD's effect, Special Summoning White Stone from his graveyard, and ended his turn.

Golgar set a monster.

BSA activated his Ravine's effect, pitching Blue-Eyes to send Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon from his deck to the grave. He activated REDMD's effect, and Golgar chained Maxx “C”. BSA brought back his Divine Dragon, and Golgar drew a card from the effect of Maxx “C”. REDMD then attacked into a face-down Winged Kuriboh, and BSA passed.

Golgar summoned Zero Gardna, set a backrow, and passed.

During BSA’s Standby Phase, Golgar activated Thunder of Ruler. BSA used Divine Dragon’s effect, discarding Totem Dragon to add back Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon to his hand. He then Synchro Summoned Ally of Justice Catastor using Divine Dragon and White Stone. Stone’s effect activated, allowing BSA to add a Blue-Eyes White Dragon from his deck to his hand. He then tribute Catastor and Blue-Eyes for another Blue-Eyes White Dragon. BSA used REDMD’s effect to Special Summon Blue-Eyes from the graveyard. He finally overlayed both Blue-Eyes to summon Thunder End Dragon, and detached a material to destroy all other monsters on the field. BSA then ended his turn.

Golgar activated Final Countdown, hoping to claim a victory in twenty turns! He then set a monster and passed.

BSA activated Call of the Haunted to revive REDMD. He next used its effect to bring back Blue-Eyes from his graveyard. BSA activated Monster Reborn to bring back his second Blue-Eyes. He overlayed both Blue-Eyes to Xyz Summon Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis. He then used Heliopolis’s effect, detaching Blue-Eyes to destroy Golgar’s set monster, which was Winged Kuriboh. Winged Kuriboh’s effect activated, preventing all battle damage that BSA could deal for that turn! BSA passed.

Golgar activated One Day of Peace, and both players drew their cards. He then set a backrow and ended.

BSA activated the effect of his Ravine, sending Darkstorm Dragon to send Red-Eyes Wyvern from his deck to his graveyard. He then used Heliopolis’s effect, detaching a material to destroy his own Thunder End Dragon, and Golgar chained Hope for Escape, paying 1000 life points to draw 3 cards. Thunder End Dragon was destroyed and BSA ended his turn.

Golgar set two spell/traps and ended. This was Turn 5 on Final Countdown.

BSA set a backrow and in his End Phase banished his Red-Eyes Wyvern to bring back REDMD.

Golgar summoned Metaion, the Timelord and BSA activated Solemn Judgment to negate its summon and destroy it! Golgar passed.

BSA used REDMD’s effect to bring back Darkstorm Dragon. Golgar activated Threatening Roar, and BSA, unable to attack, ended.

Golgar set a card to his backrow.

BSA Gemini Summoned Darkstorm Dragon. He next used its effect, sending Call of the Haunted to the graveyard to destroy all spells/traps on the field. Golgar chained Waboku, and then Golgar’s set Final Countdown was destroyed, along with his own two Bottomless Trap Holes and Ravine.

Golgar set two backrow, and BSA activated Call of the Haunted to bring back Catastor. Gogar passed.

BSA used Darkstorm’s effect again, sending Call of the Haunted, and Golgar chained Threatening Roar. BSA ended.

Golgar set a backrow.

BSA drew, and Golgar activated Threatening Roar. He set a spell/trap and ended.

Golgar set a backrow.

BSA used REDMD’s effect to revive White Stone. During his End Phase, BSA used Red-Eyes Wyvern’s effect, banishing itself from the graveyard to bring back REDMD from the graveyard.

Golgar set a monster.

BSA activated Dragunity Ravine, and used Darkstorm’s effect, sending Ravine to destroy Future Fusion and Golgar’s set Final Countdown. BSA attacked over Golgar’s set Battle Fader and swung directly, and Golgar discarded Swift Scarecrow, negating the attack and ending the Battle Phase! BSA ended his turn.

Golgar activated One Day of Peace and ended.

It was BSA’s last turn to do some damage, but because of One Day, he couldn’t do any. He passed, and since it was turn 20 since Final Countdown was activated, Golgar won!

BigStinkinApe makes some great plays at the start, but is unable to overcome Golgar’s stall cards to put in damage. BSA will be going first this round.

BSA started off his turn by activating Trade-In, sending Blue-Eyes White Dragon to draw two cards. He next activated Dragunity Ravine, sending Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon to send The White Stone of Legend from his deck to his Graveyard. White Stone’s effect activated, and BSA searched his deck for another Blue-Eyes. He summoned Divine Dragon Apocralyph, sending Koa’ki Meiru Drago to add back REDMD from his graveyard to his hand. BSA removed Divine Dragon to Special Summon REDMD, and used its effect to bring back Drago from the graveyard. BSA revealed Blue-Eyes at the end of his turn for Drago’s effect, and ended.


Golgar activated Final Countdown. He next activated Pot of Duality, revealing Winged Kuriboh, Waboku, and Threatening Roar; he added the Kuriboh to his hand and shuffled the rest back into his deck. Golgar set two backrow and ended.


During BSA’s Standby Phase, Golgar activated Thunder of Ruler. BSA set a backrow and activated the effect of his Ravine, sending Blue-Eyes White Dragon to send his White Stone to the graveyard. The White Stone let BSA search his deck for another Blue-Eyes, and BSA ended.


Golgar activated Upstart Goblin, drawing a card and giving BSA 1000 life points. He then set a monster and passed to BSA.


BSA set a backrow and attacked with Drago into Golgar’s face-down Winged Kuriboh. He ended his turn.


Golgar set a spell/trap.


Golgar activated Thunder of Ruler during BSA’s Standby Phase. BSA tibuted REDMD and Drago for Blue-Eyes White Dragon. He next activated Call of the Haunted to bring back REDMD, to which Golgar attempted to chain Torrential Tribute to destroy all monsters. However, BSA chained Champion's Vigilance to negate Torrential Tribute and destroy it! BSA then activated the effect of his Ravine, sending Dark Hole from his hand to his graveyard to send Red-Eyes Wyvern from his deck to his graveyard. He finally set a spell/trap and ended.


Golgar set a card to his backrow, set a monster, and ended his turn.


BSA used REDMD’s effect, Special Summoning Drago from his graveyard. Drago attacked into Golgar’s face-down Winged Kuriboh, and BSA passed.


Golgar set a card to his backrow and his monster zone. He then ended.


BSA used REDMD’s effect to bring back his Wyvern from the graveyard. Drago attacked into Golgar’s set Battle Fader, Golgar attempted to activate Waboku but BSA chained Champion's Vigilance to negate it! Drago destroyed the set Fader, and REDMD and Blue-Eyes made direct attacks to Golgar’s life points, dropping Golgar to 200! In his Main Phase 2, BSA tribute his Blue-Eyes and Wyvern for Darkstorm Dragon. He then ended.


Golgar drew for his turn and immediately conceded, unable to stop another attack from BSA’s dragons!


BigStinkinApe evens the score, winning the game with a huge swarm of dragons, backed up with his counter traps! Golgar will be going first for the last round.


To start off his turn, Golgar activated Final Countdown. He next activated Upstart Goblin, drawing a card and giving BSA 1000 life points. He then set a card to his backrow, and ended.


BSA activated Dragunity Ravine. He next activated Future Fusion, revealing Five-Headed Dragon, and sent Koa’ki Meiru Dragon, two The White Stone of Legend, Lancer Dragonute, and Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon. The two White Stones’ effects activated, and BSA searched for two Blue-Eyes White Dragons from his deck. He then summoned Divine Dragon Apocralyph, and used its effect, discarding Red-Eyes Wyvern to add back Dragonute to his hand. BSA removed the Divine Dragon to Special Summon REDMD, and used its effect to bring back Drago. He then attacked with Drago, followed by REDMD; on REDMD’s attack, Golgar Special Summoned Battle Fader, negating the attack and ending the Battle Phase. BSA ended his turn.

Golgar activated Hope for Escape, paying 1000 life points to draw two cards. He set two cards to his backrow and ended.

On BSA’s turn, Golgar activated his second Hope for Escape, paying 1000 to draw three cards. BSA entered his Battle Phase, and Golgar activared Waboku. He then entered his Main Phase 2, and activated Dragunity Ravine, discarding Blue-Eyes to send Totem Dragon from his deck to the graveyard. BSA ended.

Golgar set a spell/trap and passed.

Golgar activated Thunder of Ruler during BSA’s Standby Phase. BSA used the effect of his Ravine, discarding Blue-Eyes to send Red-Eyes Wyvern from his deck to the graveyard. He set a spell/trap, and ended.

Golgar set a card to his backrow.

During BSA’s Standby Phase, Golgar yet again activated another Thunder of Ruler. BSA used REDMD’s effect, and Golgar activated Royal Prison to stop any monster from being Special Summoned from the graveyard. BSA passed to Golgar.

Golgar set two cards to his backrow.

During BSA’s turn, Golgar activated Threatening Roar. BSA activated his effect of his Ravine, discarding Blue-Eyes to send Delta Flyer from his deck to his graveyard. BSA then ended his turn.

Golgar activated Upstart Goblin, drawing a card and giving BSA 1000 life points. Golgar summoned Zero Gardna and ended.

During BSA’s turn, Golgar activated the effect of Zero Gardna, but BSA chained Debunk to negate its effect and banish it. BSA swung directly with Drago, Golgar attempted to use Swift Scarecrow to stop the Battle Phase, but BSA hand another Debunk set to negate it! The attack went through, and BSA then attacked with his Blue-Eyes to win the game and the match!

BigStinkinApe’s two Debunks allow him to make the push he needed to seal the game. BSA moves on with a 2-1 record!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Round 2 Feature Match: Orcadb vs. Tasuke26

Round 2's feature match is pitting Orcadb against Tasuke26. Orca is playing a very facinating deck in today's tournament, a Hieratic Gishki deck. His opponent, Tasuke26, is playing Banisharks. Both deck are types that we normally would not see in today's meta, and it will be interesting to see which one will come out on top.

Orca activated Hieratic Seal of Convocation, searching Hieratic Dragon of Eset from his deck and adding it to his hand. He summoned Eset, and then tributed it to Special Summon Hieratic Dragon of Nebthet. The effect of Eset then activated, and Orca Special Summoned Hieratic Seal of the Sun Dragon Overlord from his deck. He next tributed his Nebthet to Special Summon Hieratic Dragon of Su. and Nebthet's effect summoned another Seal from Orca's deck. He finally Xyz Summoned Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis using his two Seals. He then ended his turn.

Tasuke opened up with Gold Sarcophagus, removing Deep Sea Diva from his deck. He next summoned Airorca, and used its effect, removing itself to destroy Su. He then activated Fish and Kicks, banishing Heliopolis. He set one card to his backrow and ended.

Orca activated Gishki Shadow's effect, discarding it to add Gishki Aquamirror to his hand. He then passed.

Tasuke returned Airorca to his side of the field with its effect. He next activated Fish and Swaps, discarding a card to return Diva and Airorca from his Banished zone to his hand. He then summoned Diva, used the effect to Special Summon Spined Gillman, and Synchro Summoned Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon using his Diva and Gillman. He attacked with both monsters directly, dropping Orca to 3600 life points. He then ended.

Orca Special Summoned Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit from his hand. He activated Gishki Aquamirror, tributing Tefnuit to Ritual Summon Evigishki Gustkraken. Tefnuit's effect allowed Orca to Special Summon another Seal from his deck. He used Gustkraken's effect, shuffling back Airorca from Tasuke's hand. Gustkraken attacked Gillman, and Orca then ended his turn.

Tasuke summoned Big Jaws, and crashed Big Jaws into Gustkraken, which bumped up Gishilnodon to 3000, allowing Tasuke to attack over Orca's Gustkraken! He then ended.

Orca discarded Gishki Vision to add Gishki Augus to his hand. He next used his effect of his Aquamirror in the Graveyard to add back Gustkraken from his Graveyard to his hand. He activated his second Aquamirror, Ritual Summoning Evigishki Mind Augus. Augus's effect activated, and Orca shuffled back Tefnuit, Nebthet, Convocation, Vision, and Shadow from his Graveyard back to his Deck. He then attacked with Augus into Tasuke's Gishilnodon, destroying it. Orca then passed.

Tasuke set a monster and passed.

Orca tributed his Seal to Special Summon Nebthet. He then attacked with Nebthet into Tasuke's face-down Shark Stickers, destroying it. Augus then made a direct attack and Orca ended.

Tasuke set a monster.

Orca attacked with Nebthet, destroying Tasuke's face-down Hammer Shark. He then attacked Tasuke directly with Augus, dropping Tasuke down to 1500 life points! He ended his turn.

Tasuke set a monster and ended.

Orca activated Convocation, searching his deck for Nebthet and adding it to his hand. Nebthet attacked Tasuke's face-down Airorca, and a direct attack from Augus seals the game!

Tasuke will be going first Game 2!

Tasuke started off by activating Gold Sarcophagus, banishing Dimensional Fissure from his deck. He Normal Summoned Deep Sea Diva, and used its effect to Special Summon Spined Gillman from his deck. He Synchro Summoned Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon using his two monsters, set a card to his backrow, and ended.

Orca activated Dark Hole, destroying Gishilnodon. He discarded Gishki Vision, adding Evigishki Gustkraken from his deck to his hand. He Normal Summoned Hieratic Dragon of Eset, and then tributed Eset to Special Summon Hieratic Dragon of Su. Esset's effect allowed Orca to Special Summon Hieratic Seal of the Sun Dragon Overlord from his deck. Orca next activated Gishki Aquamirror, using Su as a tribute to Ritual Summon Gustkraken. Gustkraken's effect activated, which revealed Lost Blue Breaker and Dark Hole; Orca chose Dark Hole to send back to Tasuke's deck. Su's effect activated, Special Summoning another Seal to Orca's field. Orca then Xyz Summoned Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis using his two Seals, and Tasuke activated Book of Moon to flip it face-down. Gustkraken made a direct attack, and Orca ended.

Tasuke activated Monster Reborn to revive Gillman from his Graveyard. He next summoned Lost Blue Breaker, and used his two monsters to Xyz Summon Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction. Acid Golem attacked over Gustkraken, and Tasuke passed.

Orca Flip Summoned Heliopolis and used its effect, detaching a Seal to destroy Acid Golem. He then attacked Tasuke directly with Heliopolis, dropping Tasuke down to 2600 life points. Orca ended.

Tasuke got his Dimensional Fissure from his Gold Sarcophagus. He activated it, set a monster, and ended.

Orca used his Aquamirror's effect from the Graveyard, adding back Gustkraken to his hand. He then used Heliopolis's effect to destroy Tasuke's face-down Hammer Shark, and a direct attack from Heliopolis won the game!

Orcadb is the winner!