Sunday, June 10, 2012

Round 2 Feature Match: Orcadb vs. Tasuke26

Round 2's feature match is pitting Orcadb against Tasuke26. Orca is playing a very facinating deck in today's tournament, a Hieratic Gishki deck. His opponent, Tasuke26, is playing Banisharks. Both deck are types that we normally would not see in today's meta, and it will be interesting to see which one will come out on top.

Orca activated Hieratic Seal of Convocation, searching Hieratic Dragon of Eset from his deck and adding it to his hand. He summoned Eset, and then tributed it to Special Summon Hieratic Dragon of Nebthet. The effect of Eset then activated, and Orca Special Summoned Hieratic Seal of the Sun Dragon Overlord from his deck. He next tributed his Nebthet to Special Summon Hieratic Dragon of Su. and Nebthet's effect summoned another Seal from Orca's deck. He finally Xyz Summoned Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis using his two Seals. He then ended his turn.

Tasuke opened up with Gold Sarcophagus, removing Deep Sea Diva from his deck. He next summoned Airorca, and used its effect, removing itself to destroy Su. He then activated Fish and Kicks, banishing Heliopolis. He set one card to his backrow and ended.

Orca activated Gishki Shadow's effect, discarding it to add Gishki Aquamirror to his hand. He then passed.

Tasuke returned Airorca to his side of the field with its effect. He next activated Fish and Swaps, discarding a card to return Diva and Airorca from his Banished zone to his hand. He then summoned Diva, used the effect to Special Summon Spined Gillman, and Synchro Summoned Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon using his Diva and Gillman. He attacked with both monsters directly, dropping Orca to 3600 life points. He then ended.

Orca Special Summoned Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit from his hand. He activated Gishki Aquamirror, tributing Tefnuit to Ritual Summon Evigishki Gustkraken. Tefnuit's effect allowed Orca to Special Summon another Seal from his deck. He used Gustkraken's effect, shuffling back Airorca from Tasuke's hand. Gustkraken attacked Gillman, and Orca then ended his turn.

Tasuke summoned Big Jaws, and crashed Big Jaws into Gustkraken, which bumped up Gishilnodon to 3000, allowing Tasuke to attack over Orca's Gustkraken! He then ended.

Orca discarded Gishki Vision to add Gishki Augus to his hand. He next used his effect of his Aquamirror in the Graveyard to add back Gustkraken from his Graveyard to his hand. He activated his second Aquamirror, Ritual Summoning Evigishki Mind Augus. Augus's effect activated, and Orca shuffled back Tefnuit, Nebthet, Convocation, Vision, and Shadow from his Graveyard back to his Deck. He then attacked with Augus into Tasuke's Gishilnodon, destroying it. Orca then passed.

Tasuke set a monster and passed.

Orca tributed his Seal to Special Summon Nebthet. He then attacked with Nebthet into Tasuke's face-down Shark Stickers, destroying it. Augus then made a direct attack and Orca ended.

Tasuke set a monster.

Orca attacked with Nebthet, destroying Tasuke's face-down Hammer Shark. He then attacked Tasuke directly with Augus, dropping Tasuke down to 1500 life points! He ended his turn.

Tasuke set a monster and ended.

Orca activated Convocation, searching his deck for Nebthet and adding it to his hand. Nebthet attacked Tasuke's face-down Airorca, and a direct attack from Augus seals the game!

Tasuke will be going first Game 2!

Tasuke started off by activating Gold Sarcophagus, banishing Dimensional Fissure from his deck. He Normal Summoned Deep Sea Diva, and used its effect to Special Summon Spined Gillman from his deck. He Synchro Summoned Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon using his two monsters, set a card to his backrow, and ended.

Orca activated Dark Hole, destroying Gishilnodon. He discarded Gishki Vision, adding Evigishki Gustkraken from his deck to his hand. He Normal Summoned Hieratic Dragon of Eset, and then tributed Eset to Special Summon Hieratic Dragon of Su. Esset's effect allowed Orca to Special Summon Hieratic Seal of the Sun Dragon Overlord from his deck. Orca next activated Gishki Aquamirror, using Su as a tribute to Ritual Summon Gustkraken. Gustkraken's effect activated, which revealed Lost Blue Breaker and Dark Hole; Orca chose Dark Hole to send back to Tasuke's deck. Su's effect activated, Special Summoning another Seal to Orca's field. Orca then Xyz Summoned Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis using his two Seals, and Tasuke activated Book of Moon to flip it face-down. Gustkraken made a direct attack, and Orca ended.

Tasuke activated Monster Reborn to revive Gillman from his Graveyard. He next summoned Lost Blue Breaker, and used his two monsters to Xyz Summon Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction. Acid Golem attacked over Gustkraken, and Tasuke passed.

Orca Flip Summoned Heliopolis and used its effect, detaching a Seal to destroy Acid Golem. He then attacked Tasuke directly with Heliopolis, dropping Tasuke down to 2600 life points. Orca ended.

Tasuke got his Dimensional Fissure from his Gold Sarcophagus. He activated it, set a monster, and ended.

Orca used his Aquamirror's effect from the Graveyard, adding back Gustkraken to his hand. He then used Heliopolis's effect to destroy Tasuke's face-down Hammer Shark, and a direct attack from Heliopolis won the game!

Orcadb is the winner!

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