Saturday, August 4, 2012

Round 8 Feature Match: Zerohero vs. Drillwarrior

This is the last round of swiss, and the match being featured for this round is Drillwarrior vs. Zerohero in a HERO mirror match. Both players really need a win for a shot at the Top 4, so let's find out who comes out victorious!

Zerohero won the die roll and decided to go first. He set two backrow and summoned Elemental HERO Ocean. Zerohero then ended.

Drill activated Pot of Duality, revealing E - Emergency Call, Torrential Tribute, and Miracle Fusion. He selected Miracle Fusion to add to his hand, and shuffled the rest into his deck. Drill then summoned Elemental HERO Neos Alius, but Zerohero activated Super Polymerization, using Drill's Alius and his own Ocean to Fusion Summon Elemental HERO the Shining. Drill set two cards to his backrow and ended.

Zerohero hit Drill directly with Shining, and passed.

Drill Normal Summoned another Alius and then activated Gemini Spark, tributing his Alius to destory Shining, and drew a card. He next activated Miracle Fusion, banishing the two Aliuses in his graveyard to summon his own Shining! Shining made a direct attack, and Drill ended.

Zerohero set a backrow.

Drill activated E - Emergency Call, searching his deck for Elemental Hero Stratos. He summoned Stratos, and opted to use the first effect to destroy Zerohero's face-down Forbidden Lance. Drill next attacked Zerohero directly, but Zerohero activated Mirror Force, destroying all of Drill's monsters. Shining's effect then activated, allowing Drill to get back his two Aliuses to his hand from his banished zone. Drill then activated a second Miracle Fusion, banishing his Stratos and Shining in his graveyard to Fusion Summon another Shining. He ended.

Zerohero activated Miracle Fusion, banishing Ocean and Shining from his graveyard to summon his second Shining. He attempted to attack his Shining into Drill's Shining, but Drill activated Book of Moon to flip Zerohero's Shining face-down. Zerohero then set a card to his spell/trap zone and ended his turn.

Drill activated Por of Duality, revealing Solemn Warning, Bottomless Trap Hole, and Starlight Road; he added Bottomless Trap Hole to his hand. Drill next summoned Alius and attacked with his Shining into Zerohero's face-down Shining, destroying it. Zerohero got back Ocean to his hand and Shining to his extra deck with Shining's effect. Drill swung directly with Alius. He then set a backrow and passed.

Zerohero activated Fusion Gate and banished Elemental HERO Ice Edge and Ocean to Fusion Summon Elemental HERO Absolute Zero. Absolute Zero attacked over Alius for 600 damage. In his Main Phase 2, Zerohero activated Monster Reborn on Alius, and used Fusion Gate, banishing Absolute Zero and Alius to summon his Shining. Absolute Zero's effect then activated, destroying all of Drill's monsters. Drill got back Stratos and Alius to his hand with Shining's effect. Zero set a spell/trap, and ended.

Drill Normal Summoned Neos Alius. He next fused Stratos and Alius from his hand using Fusion Gate to summon Elemental HERO the Great Tornado. Tornado's effect activated, cutting Shining's attack in half. Alius attacked over Shining, and Zerohero added Ice Edge and Ocean back to his hand with Shining's effect. Drill attempted to swing with Tornado for the win, but Zerohero activated Forbidden Lance, which reduced Tornado's attack by 800 so that he can stay in the game! Drill ended.

Zerohero banished Ice Edge and Ocean using Fusion Gate to summon another Absolute Zero. He next used Fusion Gate's effect again, banishing Absolute Zero from his field and Neos Alius from his hand to summon Shining, but Drill activated Bottomless Trap Hole to destroy it and banish it! All of Drill's monsters were destroyed because of Absolute Zero's effect. Zero passed.

Drill activated his third Miracle Fusion, and Zerohero surrendered!

Zerohero will be going first for the second game. He started off by activating Pot of Duality, revealing D.D. Crow. Elemental HERO Neos Alius, and Mystical Space Typhoon; he selected Crow to add to his hand. Zerohero then set a monster and two backrow and ended.

Drill activated Heavy Storm, destroying Zerohero's face-down Solemn Warning and Mirror Force. He next Normal Summons Beast King Barbaros and attacks into Zerohero's face-down Elemental HERO Ice Edge. Drill then set a card to his spell/trap zone and passed.

Zerohero set a monster and a spell/trap.

Drill summons a second Beast King Barbaros, and Zerohero activates Torrential Tribute, destroying both of Drill's monsters and his own Elemental HERO Voltic. Drill passed.

Zerohero summoned Elemental HERO Neos Alius, but Drill activated Bottomless Trap Hole to destroy and banish it. Zerohero set a backrow and ended.

Drill summoned his own Alius and swung with it directly. He then set a spell/trap and ended.

Zerohero passed.

Drill yet again hit Zerohero directly with Alius and ended.

Zerohero Normal Summoned Elemental HERO Stratos, searching for an Alius. He next activated Fusion Gate, and banished Alius from his hand and Stratos from his field for Elemental HERO the Shining. Zerohero then attacked with Shining into Drill's Alius, but Drill activated Super Polymerization, discarding Book of Moon and using his own Alius and Zerohero's Shining to summon his own Shining. Zerohero ended.

Drill hit Zerohero directly with Shining, set a backrow, and ended.

Zerohero activated Pot of Duality and added D.D. Crow to his hand. He set a monster and passed.

Drill activated Pot of Duality and added Reinforcement of the Army to his hand. He next activated it, adding Alius to his hand. Drill summons Alius and Zerohero activated his own Super Polymerization, using Drill's Alius and Shining to summon his own Shining! Drill passed.

Zerohero activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Drill's backrow, but Drill chained Hero Blast to get back Alius. Shining then made a direct attack, dropping Drill to 4500 life points. Zerohero ended.

Drill summoned Alius and activated Gemini Spark, tributing Alius to destroy Shining, and Drill then drew one card. Zerohero added Alius and Stratos back to his hand with Shining's effect. Drill next activated Miracle Fusion, banishing his Shining and Alius in his graveyard to summon Shining. He attacked into Zerohero's face-down D.D. Crow with Shining. Drill then set two backrow and ended.

Zerohero used Fusion Gate's effect, banishing his Alius and Stratos in hand to summon Shining. Zerohero's 3500 attack Shining attacked Drill's 3200 attack Shining, but in the Damage Step Drill activated Forbidden Chalice on Zerohero's Shining, making it only 3000 attack! Zerohero's Shining was destroyed, and he got back Alius and Stratos with Shining's effect. Zerohero then banished his Alius and Stratos once again for Fusion Gate to summon Elemental HERO the Great Tornado. Tornado's effect activated, cutting Shining's attack in half. Zerohero then set a backrow and ended.

Drill activated his face-down Hero Blat to add back Alius to hand. He next Normal Summoned Alius and activated Gemini Spark, tributing Alius to destroy Tornado and draw a card. Drill then swung directly with his Shining to win the game and the match!

Drillwarrior completes his swiss rounds with a 6-2 record!

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